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Updated: August 16, 2024

Riedesel calls it "la ville la plus affreuse de l'Italie, et peut-etre du monde entier"; twenty years later, it is described as "sehr ungesund ... so aermlich als moeglich"; in 1808 it was "reduite a une population de trois mille habitants ronges par la misere, et les maladies qu'occasionne la stagnation des eaux qui autrefois fertilisaient ces belles campagnes."

Of the fact that Umbrellas' were known and used in Italy long prior to their introduction into France, we find a confirmation in old Montaigne, who observes, lib. iii. cap. ix. : "Les Ombrelles, de quoy depuis les anciens Remains l'Italie se sert, chargent plus le bras, qu'ils ne deschargent la teste."

Il est un autre passage composé de mer et de terre, et celui-ci offre deux routes; l'une, par l'Afrique, l'autre par l'Italie.

Ce sera un exemple de plus des guerres faites par embarras de ne pas les faire bien plus que par volonte de les faire. Je suis porte a croire que l'Empereur Napoleon serait charme de ne plus entendre parler de l'Italie; mais pour cela il faudrait qu'il n'y eut plus d'assassins italiens, plus de Roi de Sardaigne, plus de cousins a marier, plus de brouillons revolutionnaires a contenter.

The Early History of the Guild of Merchant Taylors, by Charles M. Clode, London, 1888, i. 361, appendix 10; also the following appendix which shows that the same purchases were made in 1546. Cibrario, Les conditions economiques de l'Italie au temps de Dante, Paris, 1865, p. 44. A. de Calonne, La vie municipale au XVme siecle dans le Nord de la France, Paris, 1880, pp. 12-16.

For all this Napoleon cared little; but one solitary fact there was in the report which struck him with consternation. This ill-fated djerme what was it called? It was called L'Italie; and in the name of the vessel Napoleon read an augury of the fate which had befallen the Italian territory. Considered as a dependency of France, he felt certain that Italy was lost; and Napoleon was inconsolable.

The translation I have given of it is so inexpressive of the strength and delicate humour of the original, that I am obliged seriously to ask pardon of the author and of all who understand English. However, as this is the only method I have to make his lordship's verses known, I shall here present you with them in our tongue: "Qu'ay je donc vu dans l'Italie?

Thierry in Considerations sur l'histoire de France, p. 196, ed. 12mo. A. Luchaire, Les Communes francaises, pp, 45-46. Guilbert de Nogent, De vita sua, quoted by Luchaire, l.c., p. 14. Lebret, Histoire de Venise, i. 393; also Marin, quoted by Leo and Botta in Histoire de l'Italie, French edition, 1844, t. i 500. Dr.

I must have a whole flock of nephews, and among them there must be one worthy of you! I will write, or get some one to write to Provence." A strange coincidence! At this moment a young man, half-dead of hunger and fatigue, who had come on foot from the department of Vaucluse a nephew of Pere Canquoelle's in search of his uncle, was entering Paris through the Barriere de l'Italie.

Italy, as M. Tardieu says very plainly, carried no weight in the Conference. In the meetings of the Prime Ministers and President Wilson le ton était celui de la conversation; nul apparat, nulle pose. M. Orlando parlait peu; l'activité de l'Italie

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