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Updated: August 15, 2024

Mike spun to one side to avoid Vaneski's dive and came down with a balled fist aimed at the ensign's neck. He almost hit Lieutenant Keku. The big Hawaiian had leaped to his feet and landed a hard punch on Vaneski's nose. At the same time, Jeffers and von Liegnitz had jumped up and grabbed at Vaneski, who was between them.

Lieutenant Keku grinned. "Usually he does, Commander. All this beef doesn't help much against a guy who really has pull. And Chief Multhaus has it." Mike looked into the big man's brown eyes. "Try doing push-ups. With all your weight, it'd really put brawn into you. Sit down and light up. We've got time before take-off. That is, we do if Multhaus has everything ready for the check-off."

He looked at the others at the wardroom table Quill, Jeffers, von Liegnitz, Keku, Leda Crannon, and Mike the Angel. But he didn't really seem to be seeing them. "Ruined," he said. "Eighteen billion dollars' worth of work, destroyed completely. The brain has become completely randomized." He sighed softly. "It was all Vaneski's fault, of course. Theology."

As a powerman, he was tops, and he gave the impression that, as far as power was concerned, he could have supplied the ship himself by turning the crank on a hand generator. But neither Mike nor Multhaus approached the size of the Supply Officer, Lieutenant Keku. Keku was an absolute giant. Six-eight, three hundred fifty pounds, and very little of it fat.

You stay away from Leda Crannon!" "Calm down, Doc!" snapped Mike the Angel. "What the hell's the matter with you, anyway?" Von Liegnitz was still straining, trying to get away from Keku to take another swipe at the medic, but the huge Hawaiian held him easily.

Can you carry him, Keku?" Keku nodded and reached down. He put his hands under Mellon's armpits, lifted him to his feet, and threw him over his shoulder. "Good," said Mike the Angel. "I'll walk behind you and clop him one if he wakes up and gets wise." Vaneski was standing to one side, his face pale, his expression blank. Mike said: "Jake, you and Vaneski go up and make the report to the captain.

Von Liegnitz looked up sleepily. "I could probably think of duller things, Mike, but not just immediately. How about bridge?" "We'll need a fourth," said Keku. "How about Pete?" Mike the Angel shook his head. "Black Bart is sleeping taking his beauty nap. So Pete has the duty. How about young Vaneski? He's not a bad partner." "He is out, too," said von Liegnitz. "He also is on duty."

To his left, in order down the table, were Mike the Angel, Lieutenant Keku, and Leda Crannon. On his right were Commander Jeffers, Ensign Vaneski, Lieutenant Commander von Liegnitz, and Dr. Morris Fitzhugh. Lieutenant Mellon's seat was empty. Black Bart cleared his throat. "It's been quite a trip, hasn't it? Well, it's almost over.

They also show that he was on leave in New York just before being assigned to the Brainchild. After that, it was just a matter of trapping him. And there he is." Leda looked at the unconscious boy on the table. "Immaturity," she said. "He just never grew up." "Mister von Liegnitz," said Captain Quill, "will you and Mister Keku take the prisoner to a safe place?

Mike had looked at his hand, figured that since he and Vaneski were vulnerable, while Keku and von Liegnitz were not, he bid a weakness pre-empt of three diamonds. Von Liegnitz passed, and Vaneski had answered back with five diamonds. Keku and Mike had both passed, and von Liegnitz had doubled. Now Mike was looking at Vaneski's dummy hand.

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