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"I'm going to make my mark," she heard Martin cry. "I'm going to make something that will last. My father's name was Martin Gray, and I'll make it mean something out here for his sake." "And I," she heard herself say, "will go joy-riding on that huge Round-about. I've seen what it is to be old and useless, and so I shall make the most of every day and hour while I'm young.

Know any place around here where you can get a drink of the real thing now and then, some place near enough to go joy-riding to, you know? I shall bring my cah of course ! One can get away with a lot more stuff if they have their own cah, you know especially where there's girls. You can't pull off any devilment if you have to depend on hired cahs. You might get caught.

And what he had said was really true, though to be sure Isabel could hardly be held responsible for the shooting at the Congdon house. He wondered what Isabel would say if she could see him with a criminal beside him, joy-riding in a stolen car. And it was no lie that he sincerely believed that he loved her.

"Rats! Mullins, how would you handle him? He's a cold fish, you know." Mullins gulped. He was not accustomed to having Cowan ask his opinion about anything. However, here was a golden opportunity. "Cold or hot, I'd let that bird cool off a little more on the ground. He's been joy-riding ever since we drew ships. We'll go into action soon, don't you think?" "Doubtless."

The language of the City generally uses the word in the narrow sense adopted by Mill, and there is very much to be said for this view of the real meaning of capital. Marbles to play with, houses to live in, motor-cars to go joy-riding in all these are assets which can be disposed of, and so, in a sense, may be called capital.

Apparently that flame which had blazed up rather brightly at first had died down as a good many others had. Doctor Holiday was particularly glad in this case. He had not liked the idea of his nephew's running around with a girl who would be willing to go "joy-riding" with him after midnight, and still less had he liked the idea of his nephew's issuing such invitations to any kind of girl.

One other thing: Say nothing to anyone about Siddons going off joy-riding. Let them think he is still at Vitry. I want to handle him my own way, without stirring up any comment. If they find out he cut formation on a trumped up hokus-pokus, they would think I should ground him." Mullins' jaw dropped in surprise and astonishment. "Aren't you going to ground him?" he asked. "I am not!

"Joy-riding," said Dillingham with a curl of his lip. "Tried to make a short cut, and got marooned. What are you doing here?" "I've been out in the country for a couple of weeks. Got caught in the shower. What's the matter? Are you sick?" Dillingham was leaning against the door jamb, shivering.

Is this quite a suitable afternoon for joy-riding?" "More so than for walking," he retaliated. "I'm going to drive you home." "At six o'clock?" "At six o'clock." "And suppose I wish to leave before then?" He cast an expressive glance towards the windows, where the rain could be heard beating relentlessly against the panes. "It's quite up to you . . . to walk home."

We were therefore quite free to come and go as we pleased, without the remotest chance of being questioned. In fact, I intimated that I might indulge in a good bit of joy-riding if the fine weather kept up. Just before leaving the castle for the ferry trip across the river that evening, I was considerably surprised to have at least a dozen brand new trunks delivered at my landing stage.