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His face colored, for a moment, but he quickly assumed his habitual nonchalance. It goaded Cowan to an inward fury, but he controlled himself well. "I suppose you can think of some reason why I shouldn't ground you," Cowan said. "Why, no sir. No reason at all." "Then I can!" the Major snapped. "You like joy-riding, eh? Like to tour France, eh? Very well, I'm going to give you a bit of it to do."

Unable to escape detection, 'joy-riding' has become practically non-existent, motor-cars are ceasing to be used for breaches of the peace, and the trade is going down in consequence by leaps and bounds. The fact is you cannot now-a-days put a stop to any grave abuse without seriously damaging some trade-interest. If 'trade' is to decide matters it would be much better not to legislate at all."

They both looked their curiosity but said nothing. "I've simply used your clever plot to my own advantage, in order to bring things to a climax," continued Fogerty. "While we are joy-riding here, a half dozen of my men are watching every move that Mershone makes. I believe he will lead them straight to the girl; don't you?"

Seventeen, and nothing in her head but Brighton Beach and soda-water fountains and joy-riding. Just you watch; some day she'll meet up with some dinky fakir or ribbon clerk at one of those places, and the first thing you know for a son-in-law you'll have a crook." "Miriam!" "Yes, you will! Those are the only chances a girl gets if she's not in the swim."

Templeton was not unwilling to avail herself though never with any loss of dignity but always with appearance of bestowing rather than of receiving a favour. As to the young ladies, Adrien rarely allowed herself the delight of a motor ride in Rupert Stillwell's luxurious car. On the other hand, had her mother not intervened, Patricia would have indulged without scruple her passion for joy-riding.

"Well, it was rather funny, you know," said Courtenay, grinning a little himself. "Mebbe, mebbe," said Rawbon. "But me well, if you'll excuse it, I'll keep that laugh in pickle till I feel more like usin' it." "You wanted to come, you know," said Courtenay. "But I won't blame you if you say you've had enough and head for home. As I told you before, this 'joy-riding' game is rather silly.

She walked on very fast toward Zelda's, trying to occupy the whole of her mind with planning a new gown. But Zelda had more tender news to break that day than that of a new scandal. "Katie," she approached it, in Zelda's own delicate fashion, "what would you think of Major Darrett and me joy-riding through life together?" "I approve of it," said Katie, with curious heartiness.

Was the war worth even one boy's eyesight? No, I thought not. Taking some wounded Germans to No. 14 hospital one afternoon we were stopped on the way by a road patrol, a new invention to prevent joy-riding. His job was to examine papers and passes, and sort the sheep from the goats, allowing the former to proceed and turning the latter away!

All the time a bigger flock of Fokkers were in the sun above us and they came down like 'wolves on the fold. Fellow, you had your little faults. Don't be too hard on Siddons." "Cutting formation to get in a fight and cutting to go joy-riding are two different things. If it were anyone else but Siddons I'd ask Cowan to ground him." "You like him?" "Emphatically, NO! And he knows it.

We're merely joy-riding and, if anything happened to the car when you weren't on military duty " "I don't see that we've got much choice, miss," the girl answered. "The General's orders to me were explicit, and you know what he is: obedience and no explanations. We've barely time to do it." Their backs were towards the inn. Tabs strolled up and made a pretense of inspecting the new tire.