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I wudna be dodled wi' them; juist a lot o' laddie-paddie buff." Sandy jamp aff his seat an', rammin' on his hat, gaed bang throo the shop, yatterin', "Auch, haud your gab; that claikin' tongue o' yours mak's me fair mauchtless. I micht as weel argey wi' the brute beast i' the swine-crue till I was black i' the face."

He croonshed doon, an' jookit frae side to side, an' then jamp straucht up an' lut flee at something wi' the bissam shaft. Syne he stack the end o' the stick i' the flure, an' bored an' grunted like's he was rammin't through a pavemint steen.

'My dear nephew, without exaggeration I may say that she fairly jamp jumped at my invitation I Well, I'll see you subsequently. 'God bless ye, he murmured, and closed his eyes till he felt she had gone from the ward. He knew when Christina came in, but did not look directly at her till she was beside him. By that time she had controlled the quiver at her mouth.

'Mother! faither! said the other, 'do ye no ken me? It was our son Andrew, and Margaret's gudeman! I jamp up, and Jeannie jamp up; auld grannie raise totterin' to her feet, and the bairns screamed, puir things. I got haud o' Andrew, and his mother got haud o' him, and we a' grat wi' joy. It was such a night o' happiness as I had never kenned before. Andrew had been made a ship captain.

I' the middle o' an awfu' sooch there was a fearfu' reeshil at oor door, an' Sandy fair jamp aff his chair wi' the start. "A'ye in, Sandy?" cried Dauvid Kenawee, in a nervish kind o' a voice. I awa' an' opened the door, an' here was Dauvid an' Mistress Kenawee Dauvid wi' his pints wallopin' amon' his feet, an' his weyscot lowse, an' Mistress Kenawee juist wi' her short-goon an' a shallie on.

"That iss more than I can tell you, boy, but he's safe enough I doubt not, for I heard him gie a cheer as he jamp into the wuds, an' it's beyont the power o' a mortal Red-skin to chase an active man on a night like this."

"I'd never be afraid of eyebrows?" exclaimed Sylvie. "I should think oo would, though, if they'd got a Crocodile fastened to them, like these had! And so the Man jamp, and he jamp, and at last he got right out of the hole." Sylvie gave another little gasp: this rapid dodging about among the characters of the Story had taken away her breath. "And he runned away for to look for the Goat, oo know.

"It were a clever mouse. It knew it couldn't get out of traps!" But why did it go in at all?" said Sylvie. " and it jamp, and it jamp," Bruno proceeded, ignoring this question, "and at last it got right out again. And it looked at the mark in the Shoe. And the Man's name were in it. So it knew it wasn't its own Shoe." "Had it thought it was?" said Sylvie.

But this was ower muckle for me; so I juist roared oot, "Gude-nicht, ye haiverin' eedeits," as heich as I cud yawl, an' up the yaird at what I cud flee. Sandy was beddit on the back o' ten o'clock, an' he was snorin' like a dragoon when I gaed up the stair. But when I got anower he jamp up a' o' a sudden, like's he'd gotten a fleg.

It was like the crack o' a hunder cannon; an' in an instant a' was dark, an' there was a reeshil o' broken bottles that garred me think there had been an earthquake i' the back shop. Doon the stair I floo; but, afore I was half-roads doon, Sandy jamp clean on my back kilt, bushbie, an' a'thegither. Doon I gaed like a rickel o' auld beans, an' Sandy ower the tap o' me, heels-ower-gowrie.