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"Thank you, captain, I have just dined; and I have only one word to say to you, if you will permit it." "No, pardieu! I do not permit it," said the captain, "unless it is about another engagement that would come before everything. La Normande, give me my sword." "No, captain; it is on business," interrupted D'Harmental.

"You'd be a fool if you did," Mr. Quinn interrupted. " ... but I'd mebbe be worth about double what you named yourself, sir!" "Eighteenpence!" Mr. Quinn exclaimed. "Aye, that or a bit more. Were you wantin' anything else, sir!" He winked heavily at Henry as he turned away. "You're not worth the food you eat," Mr. Quinn said.

I but there" she interrupted herself as, on the very verge of further confidences, a change of mind was effected in her by sudden weariness or by a deterrent thought, or both "I guess I've talked enough about myself for one evening. I didn't have a soft time of it there in Denver," she summed up the remainder of her story, "but I'd got back to being my old self.

Before we continue the account of this horrible scene, we must return to the Marchioness d'Harville and Madame Armand, whose conversation had been for a moment interrupted.

You lied to the undertaker, and said your health was failing a wholly commendable lie, since it cost you nothing and pleased the other man. If a stranger called and interrupted you, you said with your hearty tongue, "I'm glad to see you," and said with your heartier soul, "I wish you were with the cannibals and it was dinner-time."

"Egypt does not agree with me, I suppose! the dryness of the soil breeds fever and a touch of madness! Men are not blocks of wood or monoliths of stone; they are creatures of flesh and blood, of nerve and muscle; you cannot torture them so..." He interrupted himself with a kind of breathless irritation at his own speech. Gervase regarded him steadily, slightly smiling.

If I interrupted the work on the bushes, no matter; she must work less. She looked up with a sudden flush. "How did you know?" she answered, looking at me with confusion and perplexity in her eyes. "I know nothing. I merely ask you. You were up all night?" Her face became quite pale again, and she raised her eyebrows with a slight smile of indifference. "Yes, I was." I paled too, with annoyance.

'I have some questions to ask you on another subject, interrupted Emily, quite wearied by this story. 'Do you know whether there are any prisoners in the castle, and whether they are confined at this end of the edifice?

Before them, interrupted here and there by a mass of ruined masonry, or a few arches of aqueduct, waved the grey-green, billowy plain, where the wind, which rolled the great winter cloud-balls overhead, danced and sang with the tall, dry hemlocks and sere white thistles, shining and rattling like skeletons.

Isn't it a little hard that I should I have to abandon what surely isn't a mischievous thing to do because one of the young men has been foolish enough to fancy himself in love with me?" They were interrupted. She turned to bid him good night. "At least," she said smiling, "I will be very careful indeed with this boy." "If he comes to you!"