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Then, if any of our friends act absurdly, no one need to be vexed about it. Let them bury the offenders out of sight, and keep their good temper. They can also read the Intelligencer, which is a paper written by the people, with their hands guided. When the time comes for the history of my life, to be bound by the grave, then they will write upon it as my epitaph "The man with a cheerful temper."

Alone on board I had no immediate occupation and so I took out my copy of the Intelligencer and after reading the column which went under my name and noting the incredible bad taste which had diluted when it had not excluded everything I had written, I turned as for consolation to the marketquotations.

This was the fault of the reporter on the staff of the Worfield Intelligencer and Farmers' Guide, who saw in the thing a legitimate "march-out," and, questioning a straggler as to the reason for the expedition and gathering foggily that the restoration to health of the Eminent Person was at the bottom of it, said so in his paper.

He paused and fixed his eyes upon the Intelligencer with a depth of investigation that seemed to hold commerce with the inner nature of this being, wholly regardless of his external development. "And what are you?" said he. "It will not satisfy me to point to this fantastic show of an Intelligence Office and this mockery of business.

"'And your terms? asked the Intelligencer, after taking down the particulars with which the stranger had supplied him. "'Easy abundantly easy! answered the successful man, smiling, but with a stern and almost frightful contraction of the brow, as if to quell an inward pang.

Whoever wishes for a cold and technical catalogue of the stuffs which went to make up the picture that deprived George of speech may consult the files of the Belpher Intelligencer and Farmers' Guide, and read the report of the editor's wife, who "does" the dresses for the Intelligencer under the pen-name of "Birdie Bright-Eye". As far as George was concerned, the thing was made of rose-leaves and moon-beams.

Bear it in mind, then, that they desire to control a nomination for no other purpose than to have it defeated by a line of sections. "Yours truly, "I am a secessionist and not a revolutionist, and would not 'precipitate, but carefully prepare to meet an inevitable dissolution." Yancey to Pryor, "Richmond South," copied in "National Intelligencer," September 4, 1858.

Stuart from Gesenius, substituting for the distinction into long and short vowels, a classification into three analogous orders, brought with it much greater complexity without any adequate compensation in the advantage which might result from it. Christian Intelligencer.

The egotistical pretense of The Buffalo Intelligencer was torn to shreds, and ridicule was heaped upon its editor. Paul read nervously, breathlessly, until Wells interrupted him. "I'm to blame for this," said he. "I couldn't stand for such a crooked deal. When I got in this morning and saw what that fat imbecile had done to you I tipped the true facts off to the others all of the facts I knew.

In a few days I hope to advise you of more respecting it. I have preferred reserve until I could state something positive. I have my posts set to Beltsville, twelve miles, and you will see by the Intelligencer that I am prepared to go directly on to Baltimore and hope to reach there by the middle of May." "May 7.