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Could you not come here and pay me a little visit? I should love to see you and should enjoy hearing all about Iller-Stream. You could tell me all about good old Martha, whom I love nearly as much as a grandmother, about your little kid and Matthew, the horses and everything else, and especially about yourself.

Oh, how I love beautiful Iller-Stream!" Mux called out louder and louder: "Oh, Cornelli, take me along!" He could not realize that he was really going, too. There were still many days and even weeks before their bliss would come true, but with this heavenly prospect before them the children performed their remaining duties only too joyfully. It was different for Cornelli.

Her joy was supreme when that day at lunch time she gave the family her father's invitation. On all sides she perceived signs of boundless joy. Nika and Agnes had had the firm conviction that they were to spend the summer, as usual, in the hot garret dwelling without any special holidays. And now they could spend all summer in beautiful Iller-Stream, about which Dino had told them so much.

He read the paragraph aloud about Martha Wolf in Iller-Stream and they all agreed that it would be pleasant there. The mother decided to write to the woman at once and to take Dino there as soon as possible. "Now we shall sing a song to end the day," she said, sitting down at the old piano. Every day the children sang an evening song to her accompaniment.

This may teach you to give up your terrible obstinacy! Nothing else can be done with you." With these words the cousin rose and left the room. Miss Grideelen promptly followed. That evening a letter was sent to Cornelli's father: ILLER-STREAM, July 20th, 18 . MY DEAR COUSIN: Your affairs are going brilliantly, for your manager is splendid.

Her longing for her home had grown more violent every day. Wherever she saw a green tree or a bush, she saw the garden at home, the meadows, and the flowers in Iller-Stream before her mind's eye. So her desire to return there, to see it all again, became almost painful. She felt finally as if the day would never come when she could again see her home. It came, nevertheless.

"Good gracious!" he exclaimed on the morning after the ladies' departure, "what correspondents have you in town, Cornelli? Here is a letter for you." Cornelli, looking up from her cup, glanced incredulously at the letter. "It is really for you. Listen! Miss Cornelli Hellmut, Iller-Stream, Iron Foundry," the father read. "Here it is!"

It is in the country, in Iller-Stream, beside the Iller-Stream, quite near the large iron works." Martha was thoroughly pleased. "You have said everything so clearly that one can easily understand it," she remarked. "I could not have said it myself, you see, for it would have seemed like boasting. Now if I only knew where to send it for the paper. I do not know quite what address to write on it."

In the Director's house in Iller-Stream reigned great excitement. The day had come when the two ladies from town were expected to arrive for their lengthy stay. To celebrate the coming of his guests, the master of the house had ordered a festive dinner for the middle of the day. He had been longing for this day, so was in a splendid humor.

Dino already loves the meadows and the garden, and I hope that he will come to Iller-Stream again. If I could only soon see it all again! A great many kisses, from your daughter, Cornelli did not get an answer from her father for three weeks. He wrote to her that his journey had been lengthened beyond his expectation.