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My sword I had out, but the sun dazzled me and the men wore corslets, and I made but poor play with it; though I struck out savagely, as we crashed together, in my rage at this sudden crossing of my hopes when all seemed done and gained. The Cid faced them bravely I heard the distant huzza of the Huguenots and I put aside one point which threatened my throat.

Of the kisses which Wilhelm had given him, of course, they did not speak; but Otto thought of them, thought of them quite differently to what he had done before, and the ways of Cupid are strange! We will now see how affairs stand after advancing fourteen days. "Huzza for Copenhagen and for Paris! may they both flourish!" The Danes in Paris by HEIBERG.

So spoke Pippin; a wild huzza attested the good humor which the proposition excited. Potation rapidly followed potation, and the jug again demanded replenishing. The company was well drilled in this species of exercise; and each individual claiming caste in such circle, must be well prepared, like the knight-challenger of old tourney, to defy all comers.

She turned on the ledge she had gained and dropped her tail. Baby seized it and clambered up. Then away she went like a rocket, and before the little one had well regained its former position she had topped the ridge full two yards ahead of the whole troop! "Well done!" cried McTavish. "Huzza!" shouted Jerry.

At this a murmur of applause ran round the benches of the friends and housemen. "The young blades are ever ready to huzza over their drink at the thought of fighting; but methinks it will not strengthen thy cause much, friend Ulf, thus to frighten the women and spill the ale." Ulf turned round with a momentary look of anger at this speech.

But I won't let them see me cast down, and it is good to be huzzaing at all events. Huzza for Talbot! Talbot for ever! huzza! Enter WHEELER and BURSAL. Wheel. Who was that huzzaing for Talbot? Burs. Pooh, it is only Rory O'Ryan, or the roaring lion as I call him. Ha! ha! ha!

He is somewhat larger than the Huzza Porpoise, but much of the same general make. Provoke him, and he will buckle to a shark. I have lowered for him many times, but never yet saw him captured. The largest kind of Porpoise; and only found in the Pacific, so far as it is known.

Suddenly down it came and a man along with it. We knocked him on the head at once, and gave a loud huzza as the house-carle sprang up through the hole, caught a shower of blows on his shield, and began to lay about him fiercely. Guttorm was very mad at the carle for going up before him, but the carle was light and the old man was heavy, so he could not help it.

My father says "Vivian" will stand next to "Mrs. Beaumont" and "Ennui"; I have ten days' more work at it, ten days' more purgatory at other corrections, and then, huzza! a heaven upon earth of idleness and reading, which is my idleness. Half of Professional Education is printed. To MRS. RUXTON. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, March 1809.

The huzza that went up, then, was good to hear. "Saved! saved!" was the word that rang out, all down the long rank of the caravan. We rose up and started at once. We found the route to be good enough for a while, but it began to grow difficult, by and by, and this feature steadily increased.