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Updated: August 19, 2024

It is true, the bag was not much bigger than a cat's head; but that did not matter to Harry, who never cared for that sort of consideration, and had been busy for half an hour, the day before, in trying to put the key of the house-door into the key-hole of the tea-caddy. By the time Agnes had recovered herself, and the table was cleared, Miss Harold had arrived.

Mr. Beamish was about to deliver an allocution of reproof to them in equal shares, being entirely unsuspicious of any other reason for the alarum than this palpable outbreak of a rivalry that he would have inclined to attribute to the charms of Chloe, when the house-door swung wide for them to enter, and the landlady of the house, holding clasped hands at full stretch, implored them to run up to the poor lady: 'Oh, she's dead; she's dead, dead!

Sae, as soon as our auld folk gaed to bed, I e'en snodded my head up a bit, and left the house-door on the latch, in case onybody should be wanting in or out while I was awa, and just cam down the gate to see an there was ony cracks amang ye."

"Smithson," he said to one of them, "you'll stop at the house-door here inside, mind, so as not to attract attention from any customers coming up this hall to the bank. Jones come out here with me a minute," he continued, taking the second man outside. "Look here I've a quiet job for you. You know the housekeeper here Mrs. Carswell? She's disappeared. May be all right and it mayn't.

In short, he had merely a confused impression that Miss Pecksniff was not quite sisterly or kind; and being curious to set it right, accompanied her as she desired. The house-door being opened, she went in before Tom, requesting him to follow her; and led the way to the parlour door. 'Oh, Merry! she said, looking in, 'I am so glad you have not gone home.

"Well, if it were only furnished and lived in !" She appeared to imply that in case of its being still furnished he might have been a little less opposed to the idea of a return. But she passed straight into the vestibule, as if to leave her words behind her, and the next moment he had opened the house-door and was standing with her on the steps.

Wake up, dear wake up! It is morning, only so dark!" August shuddered all over. "The morning!" he echoed. He slowly rose up on to his feet. "I will go to grandfather," he said, very low. "He is always good: perhaps he could save it." Loud blows with the heavy iron knocker of the house-door drowned his words. A strange voice called aloud through the keyhole, "Let me in!

She had scarcely got ready, before there was a knock at the house-door. Adam looked through a chink, and saw that it was the Lord. Adam opened the door respectfully, and the Heavenly Father entered. There, in a row, stood the pretty children, and bowed before him, held out their hands, and knelt down.

Coolness refreshed the day and strengthened the eyes, and one's ears were opened to hear from every side the chorus which in a more varied landscape one took as a part of the glittering moving world outside the house. Anne unbolted the house-door. The dog rose from the hearth and stretched itself slowly, yawning and shutting its mouth with a snap.

Drew's shop, the house-door opened, and a lady came out. It was Mr. Drew's lodger. Juliet knew nothing about her, and was not aware that she had ever seen her; but the lady started as if she recognized her. To that kind of thing Juliet was accustomed, for her style of beauty was any thing but common.

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