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A strong hand it was roughened and browned with labour though he was scarcely as old as I. What would I not have given to have been so stalwart and so tall! Sally called from her house-door, "Wouldn't Master Phineas come in and sit by the fire a bit?"

"Sir, the arrest you have made is as illegal as it is inhuman." "Illegal, my lord!" said Mordicai, startled. "Illegal, sir. I came into this house at the moment when your bailiff asked and was refused admittance. Afterwards, in the confusion of the family above stairs, he forced open the house-door with an iron bar I saw him I am ready to give evidence of the fact. Now proceed at your peril."

'I'm sure it was a tap on the glass. She withdrew to the back sitting-room, and Nancy, with quick step, went to open the house-door. A great gust of wind forced it against her as soon as she turned the handle; standing firm, she peeped into darkness. 'Any one there? 'No enemy but winter and rough weather, chanted a familiar voice.

"In such a city as this, you could hardly open your gallery to anybody who happens to pass the house-door." "I am glad you agree with me, Father. The gallery will be open for the first time on Monday.

When we came within sight of the old house where Weir lived, Miss Oldcastle became again a little curious as to what I required of her. "Trust me," I said. "There is nothing mysterious about it. Only I prefer the truth to come out fresh in the ears of the man most concerned." "I do trust you," she answered. And we knocked at the house-door.

At once he beckoned to me; but before I could knock at the house-door he had descended, and came out. 'May I walk a little way with you? he asked. There was worry on his features. For some moments we went on in silence. 'So you have changed your mind about leaving London? I said, as if carelessly. 'You have heard from Mr. Pomfret?

Having both given the same evidence, on this point, they were next asked whether any person, besides the old woman, had visited the deceased lady or had on any pretence obtained access to her in the interval. Both swore positively that there had not even been a knock at the house-door in the interval, and that the area-gate was locked, and the key in the possession of the landlady.

But though he got up very early the next morning to go to the river's side to get the pebbles, a thing which he had not thought of hindered him; for he found that the house-door was double-locked.

Then Hans hastened home and brought a fowler's net with little bells and hung it round about her, and she still went on sleeping. Then he ran home, shut the house-door, and sat down in his chair and worked. At length, when it was quite dark, Clever Elsie awoke and when she got up there was a jingling all round about her, and the bells rang at each step which she took.

Sixty or seventy years ago it was considered a great joke to chalk up on any man's house-door, or on his trunk at a coaching-station, the conspicuous letters "G. T. T." The laugh went round, and every one who saw the inscription chuckled and said: "They've got it on you, old hoss!"