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"And that's the wonder of it!" nodded Mr. Ravenslee. "Wonder? What d' ye mean?" "I mean that all these years she has managed to feed you, and clothe you, and keep a comfortable home for you, and she's only a girl!" "Well, and ain't I tryin' to make good?" cried the boy eagerly. "Are you really, Spike?" "Sure! There's lots o' money in d' fightin' game, an' I'm fightin' all for Hermy.

"But, Hermy, I went after that office-boy's job you know I did!" "Yes, dear, though you got there too late." "No, I wasn't late, Hermy, only another guy happened t' get there first an' got the job! A kid I could have licked with one hand, too. One of these mommer's pets in a nobby sack suit all dolled up in a clean collar an' a bow-tie an' grey kid gloves.

I know as you're always hangin' around her flat, and if Hermy don't care about losing her good name " Even as Ravenslee's long arm shot out, M'Ginnis side-stepped the blow, and Ravenslee found himself staring into the muzzle of a revolver. "Ah I thought so!" he breathed, and shrank away. "Kind of alters things, don't it?" enquired M'Ginnis, hoarse and jeering.

But Georgie had a kind heart, and never even debated whether he should ask Hermy and Ursy or not, though he had to do a great deal of tidying up after they had gone.

"Hermy," he continued, after another interval of silence, "if you do not mean to marry Paul, you are treating him very badly. You are letting that idiot of a brother of his make love to you from morning till night." "Oh, papa! How can you!" exclaimed Hermione, who was not accustomed to hearing any kind of strong language from her father. "Idiot, yes, my dear, that expresses it very well.

Oh, drat my fool's tongue for remindin' you, drat it, my dear, my honey! Ah, don't go breakin' your angel's 'eart along of Arthur, my precious and drat him too! That b'y'll come back all right, he will he will, I know he will. Oh, if I was only behind 'im with a toasting fork! There, there, Hermy dear, don't fret, Arthur'll come home all right.

So down they sat together, and Ravenslee vowed the ham was all ham should be and the eggs beyond praise. And when his hunger was somewhat appeased, Mrs. Trapes leaned her bony elbows on the table and questioned him. "You ain't ever spoke to Hermy, have you, Mr. Geoffrey?" "Very often, lately." "I mean you ain't opened your 'eart to her matrimonially, have you?" "No!"

Hermione's face beamed with happiness, and Macaulay literally melted in smiles, as he retired to write down the story in his diary. "Oh, Paul!" Hermione exclaimed when they were alone, "you never told me he was such a beauty!" "Yes," he answered quietly, "he is far better-looking than I am. You must not fall in love with him, Hermy." "The idea of such a thing!" she cried, with a light laugh.

But anything was better than letting Hermy and Ursy loose in Riseholme with their rude laughs and discreditable exposures. This evening safely over, he could discuss with Lucia what was to be done, for Hermy and Ursy would have vanished at cock-crow as they were going in for some golf-competition at a safe distance.

"I want a great deal," answered Ravenslee, smiling down into the big, soft eyes. "I want some one who is my heart's desire now and for ever and ever. Good night, dear little Princess!" "You'll come again, Prince?" she pleaded, holding up her face to be kissed, "you'll come again soon?" "As soon as Princess Nobody will bring me." "Good night, Hermy dear; you'll bring our Prince again soon?"