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Updated: August 9, 2024

And they told him how they picked clothes-baskets full of the wild lily of the valley that grew upon the Boudry slopes, hepaticas, periwinkles, jonquils, blue and white violets, as well as countless anemones, and later, the big yellow marguerites. 'Then how long are you going to stay really? inquired Monkey once again, as though the polite interlude were over.

Beneath you lies San Remo, scarcely visible; and over it the great sea rises ever so far into the sky, until the white sails hang in air, and cloud and sea-line melt into each other indistinguishably. Spanish chestnuts surround the monastery with bright blue gentians, hepaticas, forget-me-nots, and primroses about their roots.

But the next time he loves, the girl who treats his love lightly Let's go down in these woods and look for hepaticas. John can't bring them to me any more and Jeff-Jack never did. He sends candy. There's homage in a wild flower, Barb; but candy, oh I don't know it makes me ashamed." "Why don't you tell him so?" Fannie leaned close and whispered, "I'm afraid." "Why, he gave me wild flowers, once."

Frederic Heath, with that sweetly lingering accent familiarly called the drawl, as he looked at the hepaticas. "I don't think it very complimentary, at any rate," continued Marguerite. "They are not lovely after bloom, only the little pink-streaked, budded bells, that hang so demurely. Oui, d

As the weeds were cleared away, one plant after another became apparent. I called Eleanor's attention to all that I found, and she seemed to welcome them as old friends. "Oh, that's the grey primrose; I'm so glad! And there are Jack's hepaticas; they look like old rubbish.

The coming of spring was my constant preoccupation through the winter, and my joy was intense at the first swelling of the buds, the coming color in the willow twigs, which ushered in the changes of spring; then the catkins, the willow leaves, and the long rains which carried off the snow, all welcome as daylight after a weary night, because they restored me to the forests and the wildflowers, the fields and the streams; and for miles around I knew every sunny spot where came the first anemones, hepaticas, and, above all, the trailing arbutus, joy of my childhood, the little white violets, their yellow sisters, then the "dog-tooth violet," and a long list of flowers whose names I have forgotten long ago.

The dandelions carpeted the three lawns, they used to be lawns, but have long since blossomed out into meadows filled with every sort of pretty weed, and under and among the groups of leafless oaks and beeches were blue hepaticas, white anemones, violets, and celandines in sheets.

Here and there the hepaticas were springing up. From all sides came invitations to preach the great news of the true God, and the young missionary gave himself scarcely time to eat or sleep. He worked like a giant himself, and he inspired the same spirit in the students that accompanied him. He was like a Napoleon among his soldiers.

"The two are no more the same sort than " he looked toward the garden for inspiration and found it, as many a man before him has found it, when searching after similes for the women he knows "than those yellow tiger-lilies of yours are like a clump of hepaticas that you find in the woods in spring."

The least flycatcher has another name which at once distinguishes him chebec'. As he sits on a limb, his whole body trembles when he jerks out these syllables, and his tail snaps as if it played some important part in the mechanism of his vocal effort. When you are picking cowslips and hepaticas early in the month, keep a lookout for the first barn swallow.

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