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Wild charlock a clear yellow pink pimpernels, pink-streaked convolvulus, great white convolvulus, double-yellow toadflax, blue borage, broad rays of blue chicory, tall corn-cockles, azure corn-flowers, the great mallow, almost a bush, purple knapweed I will make no further catalogue, but there are pages more of flowers, great and small, that grow at the edge of the plough, from the coltsfoot that starts out of the clumsy clod in spring to the white clematis.

Men in pink pugarees in lemon-coloured in emerald green; women in blood-red saris, bearing shining brass pots upon their heads, all talking, shouting, jostling a large family of monkeys on a neighbouring roof added their quota of conversation calm oxen, often with red-painted horns and pink-streaked bodies, camels, asses, horses, strolled about or pushed their way through the throng.

The sheaf grows under her fingers, it is bound about with a girdle of twisted stalks, in which mingle the green bine of convolvulus and the pink-streaked bells that must fade. Heat comes down from above; heat comes up from beneath, from the dry, white earth, from the rows of stubble, as if emitted by the endless tubes of cut stalks pointing upwards.

Frederic Heath, with that sweetly lingering accent familiarly called the drawl, as he looked at the hepaticas. "I don't think it very complimentary, at any rate," continued Marguerite. "They are not lovely after bloom, only the little pink-streaked, budded bells, that hang so demurely. Oui, d