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Once relaxing, their pollen is so prompt to fall that it sprinkles your hand as you gather them; then, for one day, they are the perfection of grace upon your table, and next day they are weary and emaciated, and their little contribution to the spring is done. Then many eyes watch for the opening of the May-flower, day by day, and a few for the Hepatica.

"After all this dining and wine-ing of you," said Hepatica suddenly one morning, toward the close of my visit, "you are not to escape without our giving a dinner for you." "Oh, my dear," I began, "after all you have done for me, surely that isn't necessary. I have had " "Yes, I know.

One is 'heart-shaped' like the linden leaf or the morning-glory. Another is 'kidney-shaped'. That one is wider than it is long." "The hepatica is kidney-shaped," remarked James. "The 'ear-shaped' base isn't very common in this part of the world, but there's a magnolia of that form. The 'arrow-shaped' base you can find in the arrow-weed in the brook.

Snowdrop, crocus, hepatica, and coltsfoot, wild honeysuckle, were all about, the forsythia flared out her saucy yellow, the fruit buds swelled. Parties were out in the woods hunting trailing arbutus that has been called the darling of northern skies, that lies hidden in its nest of green leaves, silent, with no wind tossing it to and fro, but betrayed by its sweetness.

"I want to hear what sort of man had the courage to marry a musical genius who could wipe only one teaspoon at a time." "Azalea was a lovely girl," said Hepatica warmly. "It couldn't take much courage to marry her." "All right we'll hear about it when our guest comes back. And I'll be over to bring you home, if you'll telephone about an hour before you'll be ready to start."

I always thought a stem was a stem, whatever it carried," said Roger. "And a scape was a 'grace' or a 'goat' according to its activities," concluded Tom. "The hepatica would make a border that you wouldn't have to renew all the time," contributed Dorothy, who had been thinking so deeply that she had not heard a word of this interchange, and looked up, wondering why every one was laughing.

Take Lapis Tutiæ; Aloes Hepatica, fine hard sugar, of each three drams, beat them very small, and put them into a Glass of three pints, to which put red Rose-water and white Wine, of each one pint; set the Glass in the Sun, in the Month of July, for the whole Month, shaking it twice in a day for all that while; then use it as followeth, put one drop thereof into the Eye in the evening, when the party is in bed, and one drop in the morning an hour before the Patient riseth: Continue the use of it till the Eyes be well.

A group of dwarf species, represented by the native British A. nemorosa and A. apennina, are amongst the most beautiful of spring flowers for planting in woods and shady places. The genus Hepatica is now generally included in anemone as a subgenus.

"There's a dwarf pink candytuft that couldn't be beaten for the purpose," said James decisively. "Mother and I planted some last year to see what it was like and it proved to be exactly what you want here." "I know what I'd like to have for the wild border either wild ginger or hepatica," announced Helen after some thought. "I don't know either of them," confessed Tom.

I did not dare to snap on my light and look at myself. I put my hands to my hair to feel if it was still snug; then I went. Hepatica had mercifully turned off all the lights but the rose-shaded drop-light on the reading-table and two of the electric candles in the dining-room. It was a relief to feel the glare gone. The air from the window had freshened me.