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The Cashmere pattern also essentially consists of a leaf with its apex laterally expanded; it closes an ear-shaped flower-stem, set with small florets, which in exceptional cases protrude beyond the outline of the leaf; the whole is treated rigorously as an absolute flat ornament, and hence its recognition is rendered somewhat more difficult.

One is 'heart-shaped' like the linden leaf or the morning-glory. Another is 'kidney-shaped'. That one is wider than it is long." "The hepatica is kidney-shaped," remarked James. "The 'ear-shaped' base isn't very common in this part of the world, but there's a magnolia of that form. The 'arrow-shaped' base you can find in the arrow-weed in the brook.

The very ancient British bowl from Bavant Long Barrow produced by that old squat Finnlike race which preceded the 'Ancient Britons' of our old-fashioned school-books has two ear-shaped handles projecting just below the rim, exactly as in the modern form of vessel known as a crock, and still familiarly used for household purposes.

The heart may now be severed from the lungs by cutting the large blood vessels, care being taken to leave a considerable length of each one attached to the heart. Observe the outside of the heart. The thick, lower portion contains the cavities called ventricles; the thin, upper, ear-shaped portions are the auricles.