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Jo Parmer said it was prety tuf slaying. my Hoppy Gad boots have been greesed and they dont leak a bit. me and Pewt and Beany had sum fun diving. we tide scarfs round our heds and necks and div from our steps into a snow drift. and we cood go in way out of sight. we tide our britches down over our boots, it was more fun than diving in the river. after we div one drift all down we tride another, and bimeby Beany he said come on fellers here is a buly drift down by the shed and we went down and Beany said i chuse first dive and he clim up on the shed and said 1 to make ready, 2 to prepare, 3 to be going and 4 to be there, and then he div rite into the swill bucket. it was under the snow and Beany coodent see it, and when he came up he was all swill and he was mad and said i knew it all the time, and he went home and aint going to ever speak to me enny more. i coodent see the old bucket enny more than he cood. it is jest like Beany to get mad at every little thing. i bet he wood laff if i div in the swill bucket.

And aftre he fell into seknesse, and whan he felte, that he scholde dye, he sente aftre his sustre, and aftre alle the lordes of his lond; and whan thei were comen; he leet commande hem to prisoun, and than he seyde to his sustre, he wiste wel, that men of the contree wolde make no sorwe for his dethe; and therefore be made his sustre swere, that sche scholde lete smyte of alle the heds of the lordes, whan he were ded; and than scholde alle the lond make sorwe for his dethe, and else nought: and thus he made his testement.

The farmers were very jealous of the interference of the Squire in the Vestry 'what he had no call to, and of church rates applied to any other object than the reward of birdslayers, as thus, in the register Hairy Wills, 1 score sprows heds 2d. Jems Brown, 1 poulcat 6d. Jarge Bell, 2 howls 6d. It was several years before this appropriation of the church rates could be abolished.

The gals among you, sum of which air as slick pieces of caliker as I ever sot eyes on, air syin to place their heds agin weskits which kiver honest, manly harts, while you old heds fool yerselves with the idee that they air fulfillin their mishun here, and air contented. Here you air all pend up by yerselves, talkin about the sins of a world you don't know nothin of.

Half a quarter of mustard seed, and a querne. A grindstone. 800 empty shaken hogsheds. 350 bundles of hoopes, and 6 quintalines. 800 paire of heds for the hogsheds. 10 Estachas called roxes for harping irons. 10 pieces of Arporieras. 3 pieces of Baibens for the Iauelines small. 2 tackles to turne the Whales. A halser of 27 fadom long to turne the Whales. 15 great Iauelines. 18 small Iauelins.

What our brave lads stand most in need of now is Fruit Cake and Waffles. Do not weep for me. Henry Adolphus. I'm at present existin' under a monikal form of Gov'ment. In other words I'm travellin' among the crowned heds of Canady. They ain't pretty bad people. On the cont'ry, they air exceedin' good people. Troo, they air deprived of many blessins.

I tho't, from a cursiry view, that the Finnigan Brotherhood was well represented. There was no end of bootiful wimin, and a heap of good clothes. There was a good deal of hair present that belonged on the heds of peple who didn't cum with it but this is a ticklish subjeck for me.