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Paterson's lasses waz there with the cows, and it waz Jeanie the youngest and him made it up, and he haz twenty-five pounds in the bank, which is a good thing too mirover for the young couple.

They're good boys, as I said afore; but they're quick and tetchy George, being the youngest, nat'rally is the tetchiest. You know how it is, Miss Carr; his pretty, gal-like face and little moustaches haz cost him half a dozen scrimmages already. He'z had a fight for every hair that's growed in his moustache since he kem here." "Say no more, Mr.

"But what's that got to do with Reub and George?" "Dew with em, why, man alive, don' ye unnerstan? Don' ye callate Berkshire folks haz got ez much grit ez the Hampshire fellers, an don' ye callate we haz ez much call to hev a grudge agin courts? Ye orter been daown tew the tavern tew see haow the fellers cut up wen the news come. T'was like a match dropping intew a powder bar'l.

Angelina had scarcely time to believe or disbelieve what she heard, before the maid returned, with "Mam, Mizz Hodges haz hur best love to you, mizz and please to walk up There be two steps; please to have a care, or you'll break your neck."

It iz a sumwot labud sattire, but not without vallu az showing hou seriusli the yung men ov th aiteen-ninetiz took themselvz. Nou that th littreri profeshn haz bin auganized az a departmnt of publik servis, our riters hav found their levvl an hav lernt ter doo their duti without thort ov th morro. "Th laibrer iz werthi ov hiz hire" an that iz aul.

"Please, sir, when I was haz I mean exercised the other night, I saw somebody taking photographs of it. Do you think I could get copies of them?" "What do you want them for?" asked Smith suspiciously. "I'd like to have something to remember it by," said Sam. "I want to be able to show that I did just what Generals Gramp and German did." Smith smiled. "All right," he replied.

Kiraly is a word derived from the Sclaves; haz, or house, from the Germans, who first taught them to build houses, their original dwellings having been tilted waggons. Myself. Many thanks for your account of the great men of your country. Hungarian. The great men of my country!

Nott thoughtfully, plucking at his bushy whiskers with his fingers and thumb as if he were removing dead and sapless incumbrances in their growth, "that's just what it is them's ez in it themselves don't pay, and them ez haz left their goods the goods don't pay.

And soon we saw the tide of the Sea himself advancing resolute between Yann's borders, and Yann sprang lithely at him and they struggled awhile; then Yann and all that was his were pushed back northward, so that the sailors had to hoist the sails and, the wind being favourable, we still held onwards. And we passed Góndara and Narl and Haz.

"Were I but young for thee, as I haz been, We should have been gallopin' down in your green. And linkin' it owre the lily-white lea; And ah, gin I were but young for thee!" Of a sudden he sat up stiffly, at the sound of a tap-tap on the window-pane behind him. Yes, decidedly the sound came from the window. The wind as Archelaus had said was rising; but this was no wind.