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Updated: July 31, 2024

The potency of gold! could any magic be greater? Luck was his God, but she, while accepting from him these marvellous, shining gifts, had another God one derived from her Saxon ancestors, one to whom luxury was akin to harlotry. They left the train at Albany and went to the best hotel in the city to spend the night.

Barton did not see that the weapons which had proved so deadly in her hands were ineffectual in her daughter's; but twenty years of elegant harlotry had blunted her finer perceptions, and now the grossest means of pushing Olive and the Marquis morally and physically into each other's arms seemed to her the best. Alice was to her but a plain girl, whose misfortune was that she had ever been born.

"Three hundred ducats yearly to recompense the hospitality I have given you and six hundred later upon the coming of the Duke!" he mocked. "That was the price, my lord, of my hospitality which was to include my wife's harlotry. Three hundred ducats! Ha! ha! Three hundred thousand million years in Hell!

Ye fight against a cruel and atrocious usurper, whose bold hand cannot sanctify a black heart; ye fight not only for King Henry, the meek and the godly, ye fight not for him alone, but for his young and princely son, the grandchild of Henry of Agincourt, who, old men tell me, has that hero's face, and who, I know, has that hero's frank and royal and noble soul; ye fight for the freedom of your land, for the honour of your women, for what is better than any king's cause, for justice and mercy, for truth and manhood's virtues against corruption in the laws, slaughter by the scaffold, falsehood in a ruler's lips, and shameless harlotry in the councils of ruthless power.

God forbid, however, that the doing of these things should be regarded as quite sufficient. There are humanitarian considerations, and we must not ignore them. Squalor, poverty, debauchery, harlotry, oppression, war, and ignorance are existing evils which must have attention. We must not be so taken up with the souls as to neglect the temporal, social, and physical needs of our fellows.

Licentiousness, cruelty, and vice "Positivism," or the substitution of the harlotry of the passions for the calm and elevating influences of reason and religion. How can it be otherwise?

You may well believe him a choice flower in the bouquet of the corporation; we mean the corporation that banquets and becomes jubilant while assassins stab their victims in the broad street-that becomes befogged while bands of ruffians disgrace the city with their fiendish outrages-that makes presidents and drinks whiskey when the city would seem given over to the swell-mobsman-when no security is offered to life, and wholesale harlotry, flaunting with naked arms and bared bosoms, passes along in possession of Broadway by night.

Look whither she will nothing but a scene of desolation a Babylon of hideous, wasting forms, mucky streets, and reeking dens, meet her eye. The Jews have arranged themselves on one side of Orange street, to speculate on the wasted harlotry of the other. "Look you, Madam!" says Mr. Toddleworth, leaning on his stick and pointing towards Chatham street.

Sarah a rose-leaf, a crumpled atom, dropped as it were from some heavenly garden into the black times of the Merry Monarch when, according to Bloodworthy, virtue was laughed to scorn and evil went unpunished; when, according to Follygob, virginity was a scream, and harlotry a hobby; and when, according to Sheepmeadow, homeliness was sin, and beauty but a gilded casket concealing vice and depravity unutterable.

And then, in the holy silence, to the great green mother I prayed: "Take me again to thy bosom, thy son who so close to thee, Aforetime, filial clung, then into the city strayed The painted face of the town, the wine and the harlotry. "Bathe me in lustral dawns, and the morning star and the dew.

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