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Updated: August 6, 2024

I've got somethin' in mind. You needn't speak about it if I tell it to ye," he added suddenly. "You know all them han'some flowers that was laid on to Eb Munson's grave an' Tighe's? I mistrusted you thought the same thing I did by the way you looked. They come from Marthy Down's front yard.

By God, a man would say from the bluff you put up that it was all a dream about findin' you an' the han'some Lee in the cabin together! Stan' off all you damn please; I've come to tame you, you little beauty of the big innocent eyes!" Not drunk; no, Quinnion was never drunk.

Why, he's a merchant prince o' Pointview grocery business had a girl name o' Lizzie smart and as purty as a wax doll. Dan Pettigrew, the noblest flower o' the young manhood o' Pointview, fell in love with her. No wonder. We were all fond o' Lizzie. They were a han'some couple, an' together about half the time.

"Yuh wouldn't like it," he mumbled, glancing down the trail. "It it ain't like it was in Joe's time. That there Tex Lynch he he don't get on with the boys." "Who's he? The foreman?" "Yeah. Beauty Lynch, some calls him 'count uh his looks. I ain't denyin' he's han'some, with them black eyes an' red cheeks uh his, but somethin' queer Like I said, there ain't nobody stays long at the Shoe-Bar.

Say," the old man shifted uneasily, "I've tho't a crateful sence we wus yarnin' last night, I guess. Don't git shuvin' Jake too close agin the wall. Give him your yarn easy. Kind o' talk han'some by him. He's goin' to figger this thing out fer us. He'll git givin' us a lead, mebbe, when he ain't calc'latin' to. Savee?"

Lord! I wish we'd begun while there was more of us!" "That han'some flag was the great feature," said Asa Brown generously. "I want to pay my part for hirin' it. An' then folks was glad to see poor old Martin made o' some consequence." "There was half a dozen said to me that another year they was goin' to have flags out, and trim up their places somehow or 'nother.

"Dah you is," he murmured, bending over the red, shallow gash that the bullet had cut, "dah you is. Don' you fret. Ah's gwine git you all tied up clean an' han'some, yass, sah." The yells and cries of every description alarmed and agitated us both. It was far from reassuring to know that that mob of natives was ranging the ship at will.

"We're goin' out there," croaked Filer, a trembling finger pointing toward the fragrant desert. "It's spring, Baby Jean and now's the time to hunt for gold, when there's lots o' feed for the little fellas." "Gold!" cried Jo. "Why, man, you've so much money coming to you that you can't spend it in the rest of your natural life." "Money?" he said absently. "Yes you've done me han'some, Baby Jean.

I learns later, however, it's this female which Tucson Jennie resents when she says "adios" to Dave. "It shore strikes me now, when years is passed, as some marv'lous how a han'some, corn-fed female like Tucson Jennie manages to found a fight with Dave over this yere towerist woman.

"We may not be very han'some to the naked eye, and we may not wear our handk'chiefs in our shirt cuffs, but there ain't no widders and orphans doin' our washin', and a man can walk away from his house, stay a month, and find it there when he comes back." "Those days are past," said Stark, who had joined in the discussion. "There's too many new people coming in for all of them to be honest."

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