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Updated: August 17, 2024

At the lower end of the wood, standing out against it, was the dusty yellow ruin which once was Fricourt. Behind that shoulder of the hill was a valley, of which we could see the gentle green slopes stretching away to Mametz and Montauban, both taken the day before, in the first half-day's fighting. The green slopes must have been covered with the relics of that attack.

"There is always time for her; and none the less there has been delay. Has the Sahib forgotten last autumn's flood, when the stone-boats were sunk without warning or only a half-day's warning?" "Yes, but nothing save a big flood could hurt us now. The spurs are holding well on the West Bank." "Mother Gunga eats great allowances. There is always room for more stone on the revetments.

It may be that He will punish their folly soon upon the object of their senseless idolatry." He had come to stay, but when he learned that Wallenstein had sent Pappenheim away to the west, thus weakening his army, and was going into winter quarters at Lützen, near Leipzig, a half-day's march from the memorable Breitenfeld, he broke camp at once and hastened to attack him.

In Ning-yüan really the only chance for exercise short of a half-day's excursion, perhaps, was on the city wall, where I had a delightful ride one afternoon.

There was one curiously shaped, lightning-riven pine, standing high above its fellows, that appeared like an old friend. "Why, what's this? Can there be two trees, exactly alike, within a half-day's rowing? I've certainly sketched that old landmark from every side, and Hello! yonder's my group of white-birches or I'm blind. How queer!"

"Where is Labbot?" asked she, intent upon the one subject uppermost in her mind. "In the mountains many leagues north of this pass. Had you taken that route instead of this, you would by this time have left Labbot for the town of Erros, a half-day's journey from Ganlook.

He told the landlord that, as the weather was now good, he thought he would risk the roads, and try to make a half-day's journey that afternoon, at least. And then, without waiting to hear the host's expostulations, he just told him to make out the bill, and then he went to the stables to put the horses to the wagon.

The one which I should have brought to thine august master, hath gone to the taskmaster over Pa-Ramesu." "Thou madest all speed?" the servant demanded, trembling with eagerness. "A half-day's journey less than the usual time I made in returning. I doubt much, if the messenger with the other scroll hath passed Memphis yet, since he may not have been despatched in such hot haste.

There can be no mistake; several of us saw him quite plainly." "If that be true, we've gained a half-day's work in two minutes." He was looking diligently through the glass as he spoke, and his eye brightened as he marked the man until he disappeared. He turned to an orderly that was following at a distance leading a horse.

"'However, says Enright, 'I s'pose his livin' so long arises mainly from stayin' East, where they don't make no p'int on bein' p'lite, an' runs things looser. "'Whatever's the matter of chasin' this insultin' tenderfoot 'round a lot, asks Texas Thompson, 'an' havin' amoosement with him? Thar ain't nothin' doin', an' we oughter not begretch a half-day's work, puttin' knowledge into this party.

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