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But presently he brought himself back to facts again. "Darling," he said, "I will find out exactly how everything can be managed, and then you will meet me here, under this tree, and we will go away together and be married, and for a week at least I will make the time to stay with you, as your lover, and you shall be absolutely and truly my sweetest wife." "Yes," said Halcyone, perfectly content.

An allusion to Hyacinthus will also be recognized in Milton's "Lycidas": "Like to that sanguine flower inscribed with woe." Ceyx was king of Thessaly, where he reigned in peace, without violence or wrong. He was son of Hesperus, the Day-star, and the glow of his beauty reminded one of his father. Halcyone, the daughter of Aeolus, was his wife, and devotedly attached to him.

She always expressed her thanks so gently, and was ever sweet and willing to be of use, but the look of pain remained deep in those star-like, mysterious eyes, and caused sensations of discomfort to grow in Mrs. Anderton's kindly breast. Cheiron's laconic messages were delivered to Halcyone every day by Demetrius. John Derringham was no worse. He was having every care.

The Anderton family were not lovers of art and, while in London, Halcyone had been too unhappy to care or even ask to be taken to galleries and Cheiron had not suggested doing so; he was a good deal occupied himself. But now it was a great pleasure to him to watch and see what impression they would make upon a perfectly fresh eye.

I and my servant have already begun to clear the weeds away, and a new gardener is coming next week." "Oh, may I help?" exclaimed Halcyone. "I love gardening, and can dig quite well. I often help William." "Our old butler does many useful things for us," Miss Roberta explained, with a slightly conscious air.

Carlyon began to feel a desire to see his little pupil again and sent her a message by his dark, silent servant. Would she not take tea with him that afternoon? So Halcyone came. She was very quiet and subdued and crept through her gap in the hedge without any leaps or bounds. John Derringham was stretched the whole length of his long, lean limbs under the apple tree her apple tree!

But aloud she answered that the family were all well, and that James Albert, who was thirteen now, would soon be going to Eton. Over Halcyone, in spite of her numbness and the tension she was feeling, though controlled by her firm will, there came the memory of the red, crying baby, for whose life her own sweet mother had paid so dear a price.

"Then," John Derringham said, "you will be my wife by that time, sweetheart, and you will tell your aunts the truth, ask them to keep our secret, and say that you will return to them often, so that they shall not be lonely. We will write it between us, darling, and I do not think they will give us away." "Never," returned Halcyone, while she looked rather wistfully towards the house.

Nothing would have stopped Halcyone from going out, but she hoped to do so unperceived. "Look if the way is clear to the door," she implored Priscilla, "while I put on my hat. I must go to the Professor at once something dreadful has happened." So Priscilla went and contrived so that she got Halcyone out of the front door while the servants were busy in the dining-room about the breakfast.

Halcyone, accompanied by Priscilla, was to meet her the next day at the Upminster junction at eleven o'clock, and they would journey to London together. And all the while Halcyone was agreeing to this she was thinking, if in the improbable circumstance that she should get no letter in the morning, it would be wiser to go to London. There was her Cheiron, who would help her to get news.