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Updated: August 23, 2024

But when you're going to pay so much a week it's to their interest to look after it well." Philip insisted that Mildred should place the child with people who had no children of their own and would promise to take no other. "Don't haggle about the price," he said. "I'd rather pay half a guinea a week than run any risk of the kid being starved or beaten."

"Make your own estimate," replied Vauquelas, who was too thoroughly frightened to haggle as to terms. "Give me fifty thousand francs; half in gold, half in assignats." Vauquelas breathed a sigh of relief. He had feared that Coursegol would demand an amount ten times as large. He counted out fifty thousand francs.

She was rummaging about down there, scurfy and repulsive to look at, chewing an unappetizing slice of bread-and-butter, and starting at every sound that came from above, so anxious was she about her filthy money! Pelle needed a new heel-iron, so he went in and purchased that of Pipman. He had to haggle with her over the price.

The finished connection was not beautiful, but it seemed strong enough at least, as strong as the rest of the machinery; and with that job their labours came to an end. All that remained was to connect up the engines, and to get food and water. The skipper and four men dealt with the Malay boat-builder by night chiefly; it was no time to haggle over the price of sago and dried fish.

FOURTH STANZA. I have been told that a physician, poorly paid by the heirs of his deceased patient, imprudently exclaimed, "What! they cut down my bill, when they owe me forty thousand a year." I would not haggle over fees! "Caroline," you say to her aloud, "you must take care of yourself; cross your shawl, be prudent, my darling angel."

Though I am something loath to be snuffed out by the men of my own side, we need not haggle over the niceties. Point out your tree." "No, by God! you're too willing. What's at the back of all this?" "Nothing, save a decent reluctance to spoil your sport. Have at it, man, and let's be done with it." "Not if you beg me on your knees.

When his advice or directions came to you, from time to time, do you think you would be likely to stop to haggle or argue over them? No; I think you would hasten to follow his suggestions, as eagerly and as closely as you were able, and with a warmly grateful heart. Would that prospector be forcing you? or doing you a kindness? What are the fruits of Christian Science?

In Russia one is expected to bargain and haggle over the price of everything, beginning with hotel accommodations, no matter how obtrusively large may be the type of the sign "Prix Fixe" or how strenuous may be the assertions that the bottom price is that first named.

He settled himself in the armchair again, and accepting another cigar, watched his host as he took his hat from the sideboard. "I'll be back as soon as I can," said the latter somewhat anxiously. "You won't go before I come?" "Not me," said the seaman bluntly. "When I say a thing I stick to it. I don't haggle, and haggle, and " he paused a moment for a word, "and haggle," he concluded.

It was enough to set me obstinate against him; but I constrained myself to think of Margery and Richard Jennifer, and not at all of this poor petty miser. "I'll sign a quitclaim in her favor, if that is what you mean," I said. "But 'tis a mere pen-scratch for the lawyers to haggle over. As you said a while ago, the wife will be the husband's heir-at-law, in any event."

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