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Updated: August 5, 2024

We should feed and clothe him gratuitously sometimes, and recruit him with our cordials, before we judge of him. The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling. Yet we do not treat ourselves nor one another thus tenderly. Some of you, we all know, are poor, find it hard to live, are sometimes, as it were, gasping for breath.

"Now, Johns, who was the man in the cab when you stopped to pick up the second man at Thirty-fourth Street?" "Wrong, Cap," and the cabby grinned. "There wasn't any man." "Don't attempt to deny " "No man, Cap. It was a woman." "A woman!" the detective repeated. "A woman!" "Sure thing a woman, a regular woman. And, Cap, she was a pippin, a peachorino, a beauty bright," he added, gratuitously. Mr.

Of the expense of civil government only a small portion was defrayed by the crown. The great majority of the functionaries whose business was to administer justice and preserve order either gave their services to the public gratuitously, or were remunerated in a manner which caused no drain on the revenue of the state.

And there was that confounded dinner-party, and he would have to limp around a table and carry soup plates! And as likely as not he would run into the very last person he expected to see. Which he did. Mr. Robert vows that he will never forgive me for the ten minutes' agony which I gratuitously added to his measure. It came about in this wise.

The marriage took place at Nancy, where M. de Bassompierre, as the representative of his sovereign, was magnificently and gratuitously entertained.

A unique episode of the Exposition music must not be overlooked in the recital by Madame Schumann-Heink, whose graciousness found another expression in her concert given exclusively and gratuitously to the children. More than three thousand of the little folk were in Festival Hall when the grandest of singers sang for them alone.

The lawyer said if I would do so he would defend me gratuitously if I were molested again. I thanked him, and said: "My dear sir, it is very kind of you to offer your services should I need them very kind indeed; and as one good turn deserves another, suppose you loan me two dollars to pay the druggist for my stock in trade?" "Certainly, sir, certainly.

But the Hone administration was long remembered on account of its civic excellence and its social dignity. For more than thirty years he served gratuitously the city's first Bank of Savings, which was established in 1816, and in 1841 he became its president.

To whom I replied, That it was not customary for Romans to give up any man gratuitously to destruction, before that the person accused should have his accusers produced face to face, and be allowed opportunity to defend himself against the charge. When therefore they were come here together, making no demur, the very next day I sat on the tribunal, and commanded the man to be brought.

"If it suits you," said Prunella, "how much will it be worth?" "I don't understand." "How much would you be willing to pay for it?" "Oh, we never pay for poems," said Mr. Houghton. "Why not?" asked Miss Prune, evidently disappointed. "Our contributors are kind enough to send them gratuitously." "Is that fostering American talent?" demanded Prunella, indignantly.

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