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He could never have betrayed such serious signs of disturbance as I had noticed in him, if he had publicly acknowledged at the Trial, or if he had privately communicated to any chosen friend, all that he knew of the tragic and terrible drama acted in the bedchamber at Gleninch. What powerful influence had induced him to close his lips?

I have time to spare and money to spare. Benjamin's description of his first view of the field of action at Gleninch followed these characteristic lines of apology. I passed over the description without ceremony. My remembrance of the scene was too vivid to require any prompting of that sort.

Eustace's motive for this summary proceeding was much the same motive which animated his conduct toward you. 'If I am ever to return to Gleninch, he said, 'I cannot face my honest servants after the infamy of having stood my trial for murder. There was his reason. Nothing that I could say to him, poor fellow, shook his resolution. I dismissed the servants accordingly.

"Under these circumstances, I set in motion a search and inquiry in the house at Gleninch and elsewhere, simply for the purpose of throwing light on the circumstances which had attended the lady's death. "No criminal charge in connection with the death was made at my office against any person, either in the communication which I received from the medical men or in any other form.

I looked into the room in which the unhappy mistress of Gleninch had suffered and died. The bed was left in its place; the sofa on which the nurse had snatched her intervals of repose was at its foot; the Indian cabinet, in which the crumpled paper with the grains of arsenic had been found, still held its little collection of curiosities.

But the terrible fact that my husband himself had actually purchased the arsenic in both cases remained unshaken. The next witnesses the gardener and the cook at Gleninch wound the chain of hostile evidence around the prisoner more mercilessly still.

He lifted his head with a start, and looked about him as a weary man might look if he was suddenly disturbed in a deep sleep. "What have I done?" he said. "Have I been letting my mind drift again?" He shuddered and sighed. "Oh, that house of Gleninch!" he murmured, sadly, to himself. "Shall I never get away from it in my thoughts? Oh, that house of Gleninch!" To my infinite disappointment, Mrs.

It was not a grand dinner a little friendly gathering: no evening dress. When the time came for going back to Gleninch, what do you think Helena did? She sent her maid back in the carriage, instead of herself! Phoebe was dressed in her mistress's cloak and bonnet and veil. The mistress and the maid were about the same height; and the servants naturally never discovered the trick.

"I am still as far as ever from understanding what your interest is in investigating that hideous tragedy at Gleninch. Clever Mrs. Valeria, please take me by the hand, and lead me into the light. You're not offended with me are you? Make it up; and I will give you this pretty piece of embroidery when I have done it.

Eustace Macallan's own request. This book she had herself dispatched by post to Mrs. Eustace Macallan at Gleninch. There was but one assailable point in this otherwise conclusive evidence. The cross-examination discovered it. Both the ladies were asked, in turn, if Mrs.