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Genis would be of immense assistance in case of footpads." "The road to Paris is quite safe, I believe," says Général Marchand, "and at Lyons you will meet the army of M. le Comte d'Artois. But perhaps M. de St. Genis had better accompany you as far as there, at any rate. He can then report himself at Lyons.

I could take the money to him and earn his gratitude, or use the money for mine own ends. What have I to fear from you? What cause to fool you? Your opinion of me? M. le Comte's contempt or goodwill? Bah! after to-night are we likely to meet again?" St. Genis said nothing in reply. Of a truth there was nothing that he could say. The Englishman's whole attitude bore the impress of truth.

Genis and to Crystal to follow him. But Crystal did not go at once. She stood in the dark corridor quite still watching the stretcher bearers in their careful, silent work, little guessing on what a filmy thread her whole destiny was hanging at this moment. The Fates were spinning, spinning, spinning and she did not know it.

"By your leave, M. de St. Genis, no one in France need know anything but what you choose to tell them. .

Again he advances and with a calm gesture throws open his well-worn grey redingote. "Fire!" cries St. Genis in mad exasperation. "Fire!" commands Delessart in a voice rendered shaky with overmastering emotion. Silence reigns supreme.

Mechanically, St. Genis had once more taken up his knife and fork, though of a truth the last of his hunger had vanished. But these Dauphiné peasants were suspicious and queer-tempered, and already the young man's surprise had matured into a plan which he would not be able to carry through without the help of Aristide Briot. Noisy cavaliers he mused to himself a wounded man! .

He made it up last night." "There may be some truth in it; you never know!" replied the Emîr in the same tone. He added aloud for Elias, who was staring fixedly out on the sea, still entranced by the vision he had just related: "If the place is guarded by nothing more terrible than your genis, I should like to go there." "Ha, ha!" laughed Elias. "That's all tommy-rot about the jinnis."

Genis after the last quadrille had led Crystal away from the ballroom to a small boudoir adjoining it, where the cool air from outside fanned the curtains and hangings and stirred the leaves and petals of a bank of roses that formed a background to a couple of seats obviously arranged for the convenience of two persons who desired quiet conversation well away from prying eyes and ears.

Genis, who would be on the look-out for their arrival. He begged that the posse should consist of not less than thirty men, seeing that some armed followers of the Corsican brigand were also somewhere on the way. The weather did not improve as the night wore on: soon a thin, cold drizzle added to the dreariness and to Maurice de St. Genis' ever-growing discomfort.

With his left on guard he not only received the brunt of the onslaught, but parried it most effectually with a quick blow against his assailant's jaw. St. Genis stunned by this forcible contact with a set of exceedingly hard knuckles fell back a step or two, his foot struck against some object on the floor, he lost his balance and measured his length backwards across the bed.