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Tim was duly sympathetic to her desire to get away from her daily grind for as long a time as possible, but he also had a garage to run, and he was by no means incapable of pointing out the practical side of crass commercialism.

"Sally's a valuable asset of this family and I'll hold you personally responsible, Comly, for her safe return." At the garage Sally produced a satchel which Archie tossed into the car, and they were quickly humming through the lane and into the highway.

He made his way slowly to the impromptu shed which served for a garage. His own car was standing there. He looked all around to make sure that he was absolutely alone. Then he lifted up the cushion by the driving-seat. Carefully folded and arranged in the corner were the horn-rimmed spectacles and the silk handkerchief of the man who was lying at Market Burnham with a bullet through his forehead.

Several cartridges, carefully labelled, were lying before him, as well as the peculiar pistol we had found when we had captured Forbes in the little room. There were also the guns we had captured in the garage and one found in the cab which we had chased and wrecked. On the end of the table was a large number of photographs of a most peculiar nature. I picked up one.

Here, Snoop! Come on out, nice Snoop!" she called in a gentle voice. But Snoop only growled in answer, and seemed to be shaking, beneath the table, the unknown animal he had caught and dragged there. "Shall I get the rake and pull him out?" asked Bert. "No, you might hurt him," replied Mr. Bobbsey. "Go out to the garage and get the big flash lamp from Sam.

Late as it was, he insisted on making a thorough search of the captured house. It proved to be a veritable arsenal. Here it seemed that all the new and deadly weapons of the scientific gunman had been made. The barn, turned into half garage and half workshop, was a mine of interest. We found it unlocked and entered, Garrick flashing a light about.

I doubt if many Members of this Congress who live more than a few blocks from here would dare leave their cars in the Capitol garage and walk home alone tonight. Last year this administration sent to the Congress 13 separate pieces of legislation dealing with organized crime, pornography, street crime, narcotics, crime in the District of Columbia.

"Couldn't you do it er more gently?" she hinted delicately. "Hold fast and I'll try," grinned Bob. "As a chauffeur I'd be a good iceman." The second time he managed better, and the battered little car moved off with less disturbing results. In a very few minutes they had reached Doctor Morrison's garage.

"I didn't want you to suffer at his hands." "I've got my eyes open already," was Dave's reply. "Let me tell you something, Nat." And then he related the particulars of the affair at Lake Sargola, and told about the burning of the garage. "And to think Job Haskers is with him!" cried Nat. "Say, they'll make a team, won't they!"

As we lost ourselves in the woods I gave a last glance back and saw a lantern carried from the house to the garage. As the door was unlocked I could see, in the moonlight, a huge dog leap out and lick the hands and face of a man. Quickly we now crashed through the frozen underbrush.