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Among the rest, two for "La Marie, Captain Guermeur"; one addressed to "Monsieur Gaos, Yann," the other to "Monsieur Moan, Sylvestre." The latter had come by way of Rykavyk, where the cruiser had taken it on.

"Is it done, Granny Yvonne? Have you nothing else to tell him?" "No, my lass, only I would like you to add a word of greeting to young Gaos." "Young Gaos" was otherwise called Yann. The proud beautiful girl had blushed very red when she wrote those words.

Suddenly in the same empty space on the wall, with horrifying clearness she saw the fresh slab she was thinking of; a clear white one, with a skull and cross-bones, and in a flash of foresight, a name the worshipped name of "Yann Gaos!" Then she suddenly and fearfully drew herself up straight and stiff, with a hoarse, wild cry in her throat like a mad creature.

Hearing herself spoken of, the adopted child hung her pretty head and smiled, hiding herself behind little Laumec Gaos, her favourite. There was a look of comfort all over the place, and radiant health bloomed on all the children's rosy cheeks. They received Gaud very profusely, like a great lady whose visit was an honour to the family.

Suddenly, in the same empty space on the wall, with horrifying clearness she saw the fresh slab she was thinking of; a clear white one, with a skull and crossbones, and in a flash of foresight a name, the worshiped name of "Yann Gaos"! Then she suddenly and fearfully drew herself up straight and stiff, with a hoarse wild cry in her throat like a mad creature.

Night drew near; she rose and went on her way. After having asked in the village, she found the home of the Gaos family, which was built up against a high cliff. A dozen granite steps led up to it. Trembling a little at the thought that Yann might have returned, she crossed the small garden where chrysanthemums and veronicas grew.

Being more cultivated than he, Gaud could understand this, and read between the lines that deep affection that was unexpressed. Several times in the four-paged letter, he called her by the title of "wife," as if happy in repeating the word. And the address above: "A Madame Marguerite Gaos, maison Moan, en Ploubazlanec" she was "Madame Marguerite Gaos" since so short a time.

But when a heavy hand was laid upon him and a voice cried out: "Tumble out, Gaos! watch, boy!" he heard the slight rustling of paper at his breast, a fine ghastly music that affirmed the fact of the death. Yes, the letter! It was true, then? The more cruel, heartrending impression deepened, and he jumped up so quickly in his sudden start, that he struck his forehead against the overhead beam.

And fine fellows, too, I can tell 'ee; Laumec, Tugdual Caroff, Yvon Duff, young Keraez from Treguier, and long Yann Gaos from Pors-Even, who's worth any three on 'em!" The Leopoldine! The half-heard name of the ship that was to carry Yann away became suddenly fixed in her brain, as if it had been hammered in to remain more ineffaceably there.

Making the sign of the cross, he began the Lord's prayer in Latin: "Pater noster, qui es in coelis, sanctificetur nomen tumm " The silence included all, even to the joyful little ones downstairs, and every voice was repeating in an undertone the same eternal words. "This is for Yves and Jean Gaos, my two brothers, who were lost in the Sea of Iceland.