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The final product will be the equations with which the technologists can begin actual system design. In other words, we are working only on the first theoretical step." "But the newspaper article said the scientists were affected by a gadget," Scotty objected. "The article was wrong. Paper covered with mathematical computations can scarcely affect anyone," Hartson Brant said decisively.

"How long is it since Miss Hope went in there?" "How long, sir? I'd say about twenty minutes before you came. Maybe twenty-five. I wasn't paying any particular attention, sir. She just got the key and went in. After a few minutes I heard something buzzing in there, and I thought maybe Mr. Butler was showing her some new gadget of his, like he was always doing.

"This is Soames," he said very distinctly. "I've got a tip for you. Pretend that you want to make something like the gadget that stops winds and warms places. You know the thing." The tall physicist's voice babbled. "I know!" said Soames bitterly, "I'm supposed to be dead or a traitor or something. But listen to me! You're a castaway and savages snipe at you.

They are special master keys of our own designing. Box 1044 is used because of its nearness to those private booths, in the universal set-up all I-S banks use. That box is our means of confidential communication. "After you get into the vault ostensibly to get into your own box, use these to open box 1044. There's a little electronic gadget in each box 1044.

I am making a spade-grip trigger for the Lewis gun, so that the observer can always have one hand free to manipulate the movable back-sight. When one of these deathless inventions is completed the real hard work begins. The new gadget is adopted unanimously by the inventor himself, but he has a tremendous task in making the rest of the squadron see its merits.

"I've been conditioned against them, of course," Lyad said. "I'm an Ermetyne of Tranest. By the time I was twelve years old, that toy of yours couldn't have registered a reaction from me that I didn't want it to show." Quillan slipped the toy back in his pocket. "True enough, First Lady," he said. "And that's one small strike in your favor. We thought you might try to gimmick the gadget.

We only have a week to do it in, but we've got some combat tactics to show them on the training gadget in the Shed." He added anxiously, "And, sir they'll have to take the Moonship off in a spiral orbit. She can't go straight up! That means she's got to pass over enemy territory, and we've got to have a real escort for her. A fighting escort.

"North American Carbide & Metals," said Thorn quietly, "is not a member of any patent pool, Mr. Sorensen." "I know," Sorensen said agreeably. "Battery patents are trickier than automotive machinery patents. That's why I'm doing this my way. I'm not selling the gadget as such. I'm selling results.

Other parts were stacked on a table. "Know anything about one of these gadgets?" Stan asked Swen. "Gadget?" Swen repeated in a British accent. "Yank word for machine," Stan explained. "No, I have never seen one before," Swen replied. Herr Domber stood around for a little while, then made off. Stan grinned at Swen. He had decided to work upon the kid. There might be a chance to do something.

Is there something wrong?" "Just not sleepy, that's all," Alan said. "You look troubled about something." "No, Dad I'm not," he lied. To cover his confusion he turned his attention to the little plastic gadget he held in his hand the Tally. He punched the stud; the register whirred and came to life. He watched as the reading changed.