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"Some machine to climb a bank like that," was Davies' comment. "What it did do was to go down the bank take a scout after it, Charley, while Wemple and I get Mrs. Morgan off her fractious mount. No machine ever built could travel far through those bananas."

"That's what the poor brutes always complain of aren't it, Jim?" observed another keeper, who had just entered. "Where be we to stow her?" "I sent Tom to get No. 14 ready." "Why, you don't think that I'm mad!" cried Mrs Forster, with terror. "So, softly so so," said the keeper next to her, patting her, as he would soothe a fractious child.

"I believe," said the Seigneur evenly, "that " The Abbe interrupted. "He can have information at his trial." "Excuse me, but the warrant has my endorsement," said the Seigneur, "and, as the justice most concerned, I shall give proper information to the gentleman under suspicion." He waved a hand at the Abbe, as at a fractious child, and turned courteously to Charley.

Saying those words, with the tone and manner of a woman who is quieting a fractious child, the nurse, without waiting to be dismissed, left the room. Mrs. Milroy turned slowly and wearily on her bed, when she was left by herself again, and let the light from the window fall on her face.

All dreadful scenes, by simply taking place, show that they have reason for it. But will they take place again? A Black Douglas did undoubtedly live, and he was the nursery-threat for fractious Scotch children during several generations; the Douglas never caught one of them, but the threat did.

Without, of course, being able to analyze it, he felt as if some rare source of entertainment had been withdrawn from him, leaving life flat and tasteless. He felt like being, what his mother called, "fractious," but he remembered, as in a flash, "you never catch a thorerbred whinin'," and he snapped his jaws together with manly determination. At Martha's entrance, Mrs.

Some clung to the rear of the wagons, but in the middle of the stream the mules would become fractious, or the wagon would get jammed against a stone, and the unfortunate passengers were compelled to drop off and wade ashore, greeted by roars of derisive laughter. On such occasions soldiers give full play to their humor.

As a patient she was as trying and fractious as a man, tossing about, threatening to get up, demanding hot-water bags, cold compresses, alcohol rubs. She fretted about the business, and imagined that things were at a stand-still during her absence. Fanny herself rose early. Her healthy young body, after a night's sleep, was already recuperating from the month's strain.

"Between ourselves," Crawshay went on confidentially, "the captain seems to me rather worried. That steamer has been following us for hours. She is evidently waiting for the fog to lift, to see who we are." "How does she know about us?" Katharine asked. "We haven't blown our hooter once." "We don't need to," was the fractious reply. "That's where we are being over-careful.

You will feel better when you have had some." She trembled at the sound of his voice. Could he make her eat also against her will, she wondered? "Come!" said Nick again, in a tone of soft wheedling that he might have employed to a fractious child. "It'll do you good, you know, Muriel. Won't you try? Just a mouthful to please me!" Reluctantly she uncovered her face, and looked at him.