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The old cat was as fond of it as any of her own four-legged progeny, and made herself very unhappy when it flew out of her reach till it returned again. In a certain kingdom there once served in the king's army a soldier. He served him honestly and faithfully for twenty-five years. For his good service the king gave him a leave of absence, and presented him with his war-horse and armor.

'Your boy's got too heavy a hand, Deacon Jones, said I, when he described the horse's actions to me. 'You may depend upon it, a four-legged creature, unlike a two-legged one, has a reason for everything he does. 'But he's only a draught horse, said Deacon Jones.

Now Sihamba was wearing a fur cape made of wild dog's hide, and, crouched as she was upon her hands and knees, half-hidden, moreover, by a tuft of dry grass, the man took her to be a wild dog or a jackal, and the hair which stood out round her head for the ruff upon the animal's neck. "Take that, you four-legged night thief," he said aloud, and hurled the assegai in his hand straight at her.

"Yes; it's just like a four-legged bird," shouted another. "That's right. They've caught Sindbad's roc and clipped his wings." "Cut them right off," said Glyn laughingly, joining in the mirth. "Poor fellow, look how he's moulting!" There was a burst of laughter at this, and as it ceased another boy shouted: "Ought its hump to wobble like that, and hang over all on one side?"

Allow me to descend from my four-legged cothurnus, for at present you are forced to look up to me, and from all I have heard of your talents from Pontius, nothing can be more absolutely the reverse of what it ought to be." "Nay, stop where you are," answered Hadrian. "We, as fellow-artists, may waive ceremony. What are you doing in there?"

The remaining furniture consists of a couple of chairs there is no hypocrisy about them: they are not easy and they do not pretend to be easy; a small chest of light-painted drawers before the window, with white china handles, upon which is a tiny looking-glass; and, occupying the entire remaining space, after allowing three square feet for the tenant, when he arrives, an attenuated four-legged table apparently home-made.

He was vanishing, not, like the Cheshire Cat, into a long lovely grin, but vanishing from a four-legged cat into a yellow, one-legged hump. All that was left of him now was hump. Mux was only a few feet away. Tom began to advance, not directly, but just a trifle on the bias, across Mux's bows so to speak, as if to give him a broadside. They were within range. Tom was heaving to.

They give wampum to the hand-organ man and the four-legged chicken in the tent when they're months behind with the grocery and the bread-fruit tree. "'Then, says I, 'we'll export canned music to the Latins; but I'm mindful of Mr.

Late in the afternoon we reached Uinta river, and, as my two-legged companion had grown very tired of the back of the four-legged one, we went into camp early. Our objective point was Fort Uinta, where we hoped to find military.

"Uncle Joe, could you guess what four-legged thing I want for my birthday?" "You want a dog," said Uncle Joe, and I caught up the dear child in my arms and kept back his cries with kisses. "And you shall have one, too, if you will give me three or four weeks to get him for you. Trouble here is the daddy of goodness!