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I am afraid he is leading them farther than Theresa Marstone herself would have gone. 'Oh, then, he cannot be the same person. I meant a very different style of man, a cousin to those Miss Gardners who used to be friends of Theodora. 'Ah! I meant to ask you about Miss Gardner and Percival Fotheringham. What! you have not heard? 'No, nothing. What do you mean? 'Married. 'Married! No, never!

Louis for the Merchants Bank of Forth Smith, Arkansas, and various other packages, amounting altogether to $53,000. With wonderful sang froid, Cummings stuffed this valuable booty in his valise, and then proceeded to open the bags containing coin. His keen knife-blade ripped bag after bag, but finding it all silver, he desisted, and turning to Fotheringham, demanded: "Any gold aboard?"

I was going to lay for the other messenger, Hart, who is a small man, and could be easily handled, but he has the day run now." "This Fotheringham will have to be a dandy if he can tell whether Barrett has written this or not, eh, Jim?" "Aye, that he will. Let me once get in that car, and if the letter don't work, I'll give him a taste of the barker."

As it caught Bronson's eye an expression came over his face, which, if Fotheringham had seen, would have saved him a vast amount of trouble.

In the morning she accompanied Violet to call on Lady Fotheringham, sullen, proud, and bashful at the sense of undergoing inspection, and resolved against showing her best side, lest she should feel as if she was winning Worthbourne for Percy. That majestic ill-humour was wasted Lady Fotheringham was not at home; but Violet left a note begging her to come to luncheon the next day.

Percy Fotheringham is to send out some plans for the church and only think! he has told Percy to come and ask me about Mr. Fanshawe don't you remember him? 'The curate at the chapel at Wrangerton? 'I once told John of his wish for missionary work, so Percy is to see about it, and if it will do, send him to Lord Martindale.

Pinkerton, "we should have found that." Mr. Damsel bade the employee to return to the office, and turning to Mr. Pinkerton, said: "The case is in your hands. Do what you want, if any man can run that Cummings down, you can." "Well, I'll take it. I should advise you first to have Fotheringham arrested as an accomplice.

"Stop!" said Mrs Fotheringham sharply. Iris looked up startled, in the act of checking off the members of Moore's family on her fingers. There was an expression of decided displeasure on Mrs Fotheringham's face. "May I ask," she said, "how and where you have gathered these details about Moore's affairs?" Iris hung her head. She had done something wrong again.

Fotheringham, was not content to listen. Diana's impressions of the country-side, which presently caught her ear, evidently roused her pugnacity. She threw herself on all the girl's rose-colored appreciations with a scorn hardly disguised. All the "locals," according to her, were stupid or snobbish bores, in fact, of the first water.

That entrance had been gained to the express car by the presentation of a forged order from Route Agent Bartlett, and that Fotheringham was entirely innocent of the entire affair. The letter related, minutely, all that occurred from the time the train left St. Louis until it reached Pacific.