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The man in the lookout saw him climb out on the bow, shout something up to him, then fall backward into the water. I'll be hanged if I can make it out. Tsang Foo is one of the steadiest sailors on board." "Tsang Foo!" shouted Reynolds. "You don't mean that man was Tsang?" With headlong haste he seized the bewildered officer and made him pilot him below decks.

But he surely is a good cook with the grub," said the foreman. "I don't want any grub," put in Freddie anxiously. "I want something to eat." "Excuse me, little man. I guess I oughtn't to use slang before you." said the foreman. "When I say 'grub' I mean something to eat And here comes Sing Foo with it now!"

And now they massed again in a sort of little hallway and Chang Foo, closing the door upon Jimmie Dale, who was the last in the line, shuffled back behind the counter in his shop to resume his guard duty over customers of quite another ilk. With the door closed, it was dark, pitch dark.

"You speak English." It was not a question; it was a statement. Ling Foo shrugged. "Can do." "Cut out the pidgin. Your neighbour says you speak English fluently. At Moy's tea-house restaurant they say that you lived in California for several years." "Twelve," said Ling Foo with a certain dry humour. "Why didn't you admit me last night?" "Shop closed." "Where is it?"

Sandy an' me was doon at the hall on the back o' seven o'clock, an' we got set doon at the end o' ane o' the farrest-forrit sixpenny seats, an' got a lean on the back o' ane o' the shilliny anes. We was gey gled we gaed doon early, for the hall was foo juist in a clap; an' gin aucht o'clock, Sandy tells me, they were offerin' half-a-croon to get their lug to the keyhole. It was an awfu' crush.

We know indeed of no ruling house which had the surname of Foo, but its adoption by the grandson of a ruler can be satisfactorily accounted for; and his posterity continued to call themselves Kung-sun, duke or lord's grandson, and so retain the memory of the rank of their ancestor. Whom they had left behind them at T'un-hwang.

The ranch seemed lonesome after the band of cowboys had ridden away, but Sing Foo, the Chinese cook, was left, and one or two of the older men to look after things around the buildings. Mr. Dayton also stayed to see about matters for Mrs. Bobbsey. It was well on toward fall now, though the weather was still warm.

Stavrogin looked at him gravely. "Very well, kill me," he said softly, almost conciliatorily. "Foo. Damn it! What a maze of false sentiment a man can get into!" said Pyotr Stepanovitch, shaking with rage. "Yes, really, you ought to be killed! She ought simply to spit at you!

He had wormed himself again into the inner circle of crimeland; he lay here in Foo Sen's to-night, as he had once lain in one of Foo Sen's competitor's dives as Larry the Bat, months ago, on the night the place had been raided but there was still nothing still no clue only the shuffle of slippered feet, the stertorous breathings, a subdued curse, a blasphemous laugh, a coin ringing upon a table top, the murmur of voices, whisperings!

I did laugh, my boy, over your letters to her; shameful and disgusting. But you're all so depraved, so depraved! There's always something depraving in charity you're a good example of it!" "She showed you my letters!" "All; though, of course, one couldn't read them all. Foo, what a lot of paper you've covered! I believe there are more than two thousand letters there.