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If they were fleeing from the city, he might find them in Bovillæ, or meet them on the road. The beloved face might appear any moment from out the smoke, which was stretching more widely over all the Campania.

One tribe, the Veneti, who dwelt upon the north-eastern shores of the Adriatic, escaped the invaders by fleeing for shelter to the marshes and sandy islets at the head of the gulf, whither their enemies could not follow by land, owing to the swampy nature of the ground, nor by sea, on account of the shallowness of the waters.

"I do not believe one of our men suspected there was any danger here. Not even my father spoke of it." "Your father does not always speak of his fears. If it is possible for any one to get away I am sure your father will be safe." "What's that?" whispered Israel sharply. From the sounds it was evident that some at least of the mounted men were fleeing from the place.

Tom, bewildered by this sudden and disastrous result, moved back with the crowds around him. Men had ceased to be brave and firm; they were fleeing in mortal terror before the victorious battalions that surged against them. "It's all up with us, my lad," said a panting Zouave. "Run for your life. Come along with me."

"You do not choose to answer," said Santa Anna, "but I tell you that you are the rat fleeing from the sinking ship. Our cannon have wrecked the interior of the Alamo. Half of your men are dead, and the rest would gladly surrender if I should give them the promise of life." "It is not true!" exclaimed Ned with heat. "Despite all your fire the defenders of the Alamo have lost but a few men.

"For your own sake, Sire!" "It is for my sake I go mine honour as a king." "For the sake of your servants, then, who have risked so much!" "I cannot! I will not," he cried. "I will go." "For the sake of France, the country you so dearly love!" "It is for the sake of France I go, to prove myself worthy the name of her King. You urge me to perform a dastardly act in fleeing at a time like this."

It was like a night in a dream, like some vast wheeling chimera of fever that plangent sea before, those terrors fleeing, and behind, a maiden left with her duenna in a castle demoniac. Doom and Mungo came back from the rock edge, silently almost, brooding over a mystery, and the three looked at each other. "Well, they are gone," said the Baron at last, showing the way to his guest.

With father, mother, brother, lover, sister, friend all acting as betrayers of their own kith and kin, Apleon soon learned much that he needed to know as to the fugitives. He discovered that the many thousand fleeing Jews had, first, at least, travelled southwards, and he instructed his emissaries to ascertain the objective point of these fleeing Jews.

A courier is also come from Touat, with the intelligence that the Shânbah, instead of fleeing away from the threatened attack of the Touaricks, had boldly appeared on the Touarick territory, in the route of Touat and Ghadames, having a force of 1200 mounted men.

The nature of their "vows" is not recorded, but it is not unreasonable to assume that they swore never again to take on board a passenger fleeing "from the presence of the Lord." Meanwhile, what had become of poor Jonah? Most men would be effectually settled if thrown overboard in a storm. But there are some people who were not born to be drowned, and Jonah was one of them.