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Its world is as unlimited as that of literature, and the same is true of the style of treatment. The humorous, if it is true humor, the tragic, if it is true tragedy, the gay and the solemn, the merry and the pathetic, the half-reel and the five-reel play, all can fulfill the demands of the new art. Enthusiasts claim that in the United States ten million people daily are attending picture houses.

"So he does! Oh, goody!" cried Ruth. "I'll see him, then, and talk right to him. He is an awfully rich man so Hazel Gray told me. We'll get him interested in the dormitory fund, anyway, and then, whether I can write a five-reel drama well enough or not, maybe he can find somebody who will put it into shape," Ruth added. "Why, my dear!" exclaimed her chum, with scorn.

"Out of this little idea of mine which I have sold to Mr. Hammond, comes a thought, dear," said Ruth, solemnly, "that may get us all the money we need to rebuild the West Dormitory." "I don't just see " "But you will," cried Ruth. "Let me explain. If I can write a one-reel picture play, why not a long one a real play a five-reel drama? I have just the idea for it oh, a grand idea!"

Hammond declares that your drama is worthy of production, you shall be marked 'perfect' in your original English work. That, I am sure, is fair." In spite of all the studying she had to do, and her work on the scenario of the five-reel drama, Ruth found time to look after Amy Gregg. Not that the latter thanked her far from it!

"Well, we've got to put our best foot forward, somehow," declared Helen. "Everybody must be made to know that the Briarwood girls have a show of their own a five-reel film that is a corker " "Hear! hear!" cried Belle. "Wait till the censor gets hold of that word." "Quite right," agreed Ruth. "Let us be lady-like, though the heavens fall!" "And still be natural?" chuckled Jennie. "Impossible!"

Except for a few attempts with established stage favorites, photographed generally in screen versions of theatrical classics and backed by affiliations with the producers of the legitimate stage, Continent Films was the first concern to make the five-reel feature. Stella, as a Continent player, was the very first feature star.

You said yourself he was a five-reel photoplay all by himself." Roy drew a long breath and said nothing. He was plainly in his very worst humor. He did not want Pee-wee to go. He, too, wanted to be alone with Tom. There were plenty of good turns to be done without bothering with this particular one. Besides, it was not a good turn, he told himself.

I don't like to have daddy ride off on such errands. Sometimes there are accidents." "I should think there would be!" exclaimed Nan Sherwood. "Why! two men already have been wounded." "Just like the moving pictures!" said Bess eagerly. "A five-reel thriller." "You wouldn't talk like that if Mr. Hammond should be hurt," said Grace admonishingly. "Of course he won't be!" returned Bess.

You can see she's a great actress; look at that one: 'Why Did You Make My Mamma Cry? And these other two." I looked and believed. The dramas were variously and pithily described as The Picture with the Punch Powerful The Smashing Five-Reel Masterpiece A Play of Peculiar Problems and Tense Situations Six Gripping Reels, 7,000 Feet and Every Foot a Punch!

If there is one thing the which your high-spirited young man resents, it is being the toy of Fate. He chafes at the idea that Fate had got it all mapped out for him. Fate, thought Sam, had constructed a cheap, mushy, sentimental, five-reel film scenario, and without consulting him had had the cool cheek to cast him for one of the puppets.