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"All the more so," Rastignac went on, "because Lucien is a really clever fellow. These gentlemen have had proof of it more than once," and he turned to Blondet, Finot, and Lousteau. "Yes, the boy is cut out of the right stuff to get on," said Lousteau, who was dying of jealousy. "And particularly because he has what we call independent ideas..." "It is you who trained him," said Vernou.

Lucien saw nothing but good-fellowship and a shrewd eye to business in Finot's offer; Finot and des Lupeaulx had flattered him, and he was in a good humor. He actually thanked Finot!

"If every one was better off, who can have lost?" asked Finot. "Hear the conclusion," rejoined Bixiou. They had another three per cent on their capital, they sang Nucingen's praises, and took his part at a time when everybody suspected that he was going bankrupt. Godefroid married his beloved Isaure and took shares in the mines to the value of a hundred thousand francs.

In short, Finot once satisfied, I am allowed to write for and against various commercial articles, and I traffic in tribute paid in kind by various tradesmen. A facetious notice of a Carminative Toilet Lotion, Pate des Sultanes, Cephalic Oil, or Brazilian Mixture brings me in twenty or thirty francs.

"Laws are like spiders' webs; the big flies get through, while the little ones are caught." "Then, what are you for?" asked Finot. "For absolute government, the only kind of government under which enterprises against the spirit of the law can be put down. Yes. Arbitrary rule is the salvation of a country when it comes to the support of justice, for the right of mercy is strictly one-sided.

Simply subscribers, never know anything but subscribers," he added, seeing that Lucien followed him. "Finot is my nephew; he is the only one of my family that has done anything to relieve me in my position.

Indeed, if it is a matter of capital importance to you, Finot would allow you to bludgeon your man in a big paper with ten or twelve thousand subscribers, if you make yourself indispensable to Finot." "Then are you sure that Florine can bring her druggist to make the bargain?" asked Lucien, dazzled by these prospects. "Quite sure.

"Very likely," answered Finot, "if Bianchon has any hand in their theories." "Pshaw!" said Lousteau; "he will be a great physician anyhow." "Isn't d'Arthez their visible head?" asked Nathan, "a little youngster that is going to swallow all of us up." "He is a genius!" cried Lucien. "Genius, is he! Well, give me a glass of sherry!" said Claude Vignon, smiling.

I shall very likely have a duel on my hands to-morrow, for I have put my initials to a terrific attack on a couple of dancers under the protection of two Generals. I am giving it them hot and strong at the Opera." "Aha?" said the manager. "Yes. They are stingy with me," returned Finot, "now cutting off a box, and now declining to take fifty subscriptions.

Next she made some concession; Lousteau was allowed to entertain several of his friends Nathan, Bixiou, Blondet, Finot, whose manners, language, and intercourse were depraving. They tried to convince Madame de la Baudraye that her principles and aversions were a survival of provincial prudishness; and they preached the creed of woman's superiority.