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Updated: August 29, 2024

Dade's riata, tight as a fiddle-string at first, slackened as the buckskin, his breath coming in snorts, surged alongside. Jack leaned again this time to snatch the ivory-handled revolver from the holster on Dade's saddle.

He knows just as well as I do that he has a fiddle-string in his neck. I can take my pocket-knife and get it out in half a minute, says I. "This made Brother Terrapin roll his eyes. "'Be ashamed of yourself, Brother Terrapin, says the girls. 'And we were having so much fun, too.

The tense rope flew whistling like a giant fiddle-string into the air; the horses of the towing-team fell down in a heap, and the leader broke its neck his rider had wisely dismounted. The ship, relieved of the strain, altered its course suddenly, and began, with its bow to the northern shore, to cut obliquely across the river. Sailors call this bold maneuver the "Cross-cut."

Then the knock fell on the door. A cry was on her lips. She forced it back, turned, holding as naturally as possible to the mantelpiece, and said "Come in." He entered. He closed the door after him. Then she looked around. The situation was as strained, as tautened, as is the gut of a snapping fiddle-string. Every sound seemed to vibrate in itself.

"I never heard before that Brother Terrapin had a fiddle-string in his neck," said Buster John, after he had thought the matter over a little. "In dem times," said Drusilla, as if to satisfy her own mind, "you couldn't tell what nobody had skacely." "Why, as to that," replied Mr. Rabbit, "the fiddle-string in his neck was news to Brother Terrapin."

Seven pounds and a quarter." This last referred, not to K. Le Moyne, of course, but to the lamb stew. "Thin as a fiddle-string." "Just keep an eye on him, that he gets enough." Then, rather ashamed of her unbusinesslike methods: "A thin mealer's a poor advertisement. Do you suppose this is the dog meat or the soup scraps?" Tillie was a niece of Mrs. Rosenfeld.

But I'se gang hame, and finish the grave in the tuning o' a fiddle-string, lay by my spade, and then get my tother bread-winner, and awa' to your folk, and see if they hae better lugs than their masters." True love, an thou be true, Thou has ane kittle part to play; For fortune, fashion, fancy, and thou, Maun strive for many a day.

Captain Carmichael still took no notice of these orders; but said his feelings were "worked up to a fiddle-string." Still disobeying Colonel Earle's commands, he was told "to go home if he could not do his duty." He was then heard to say that the officers, or some of the officers, were "a set of blacklegs." For this offence Captain Carmichael was tried.

The light was switched off, the door closed, she was alone once more, this time in almost complete darkness. Again she strained her ears upon the retreating steps, afraid yet to move her cramped muscles. The punctured arm throbbed and smarted painfully; every nerve in her body was stretched like a fiddle-string.

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