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When all was ready, she and her fays took the little grumblers out of their beds one fine night and wafted them away, whilst still asleep, to Child Island, taking care, I should tell you, to leave changelings from Fairyland in their places, so that the parents might not be filled with grief in the morning to find that their dear children had been stolen away.

He carried a Bludgeon with a Horse's Head on it. In order to attract the Attention of Mr. Mother!" "Cut it out!" exclaimed the Artist. "What's matter? Huh?" "Oh, how you startled me," said the Author sitting up among the Rugs. "Just as you came in I was writing about the Fays and the Elfins. I was in the deep Greenwood, the velvet Sward kissing my wan Cheek and the Leaves whispering overhead."

Among his friends were to be reckoned magicians, genii, the Nine Korrigans or Fays of Brittany all sorts of parties capable of exerting influence, and, as events proved, only too willing. Ambassadors waited upon Queen Harbundia; and Harbundia, even had she wished, as on many previous occasions, to stand by her favourite, had no alternative.

SECOND FAIRY. Pray look at my marvels, wrought of pure gold; Bright are the sunbeams they gayly enfold; The elves call them king-cups, but, queen, they are thine; I've filled them with dewdrops instead of red wine. EDITH. I thank you both, my merry little fays; Now spread your wings, and speed along your ways; And I will go where cooler shades press down, For I am weary, though I wear a crown.

"I see," said the Artist. "A Dark Change from an Interior to a Wood Set. That's all right if you can do it quick. Who did you say you was doing it for the Fays?" "I mentioned the Fays and Elfins," replied the Author. "I've heard of the Fays," said the Artist. "They're out on the Orpheum Circuit now. But the Elfins no. What kind of a Turn do they do?" "Ah, the Elfins!" said the Author.

Accordingly, I stole through a solitary shrubbery walk, which wound round the hill, and at length led me to a forest-like spot, or straggling wood, which flanked the whole of the carnival. Viewed from hence, it was, indeed, a fantastical illustration of French gaiety, and it momentarily reminded me of some of Shakspeare's scenes of sylvan romance, with all their fays and fairy population.

Indeed, her brain had been the haunt of many an odd conceit, the home of fays and goblins. Her imagination was always a garden to her except when it happened to be a morass. She had not only castles in Spain, she had dungeons as well; and of them she was architect, mason, and inhabitant too. It was her mood a circumstance aiding that dowered her fancy with wings.

In later sources it assumes several phases, the most common of which is that recorded by Layamon that Arthur had been taken by fays from his final battle-field to Avalon, the Celtic otherworld, whence after the healing of his mortal wound he would return to earth.

"Hildegarde shall be the fairy queen," said Gertrude "and we her attendant fays. Hail, Queen!" "Oh yes, that is all very well for you!" said Bell; "you don't weigh one hundred and thirty pounds. A fine sylph I should make! Hilda is perfect for the queen, however."

Now, this was strange enough, but what followed was stranger still. Hardly had the Raven flown away, when out from their habitations in the moss, the flowers, and the grass trooped a legion of fairies, yes, right there before the old poet's eyes appeared, as if by magic, a mighty troop of the dearest little fays in all the world. Each of these fairies was about the height of a cambric needle.