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Updated: August 7, 2024

For nine years this had been the loved family-room of Duncan and Ellice Lisle. Now, Ellice was forever gone. Her foot had passed the threshold, to come in, to go out, no more. Her canary hung in the window; how could he sing on the morrow, missing her accustomed voice?

To make sure of myself, I articulated each word aloud, and to my exceeding satisfaction had reached the second column when I found my voice trailing off into silence, and every sense alarmingly alert. Yet there was nothing, absolutely nothing in this well-lighted, cozy family-room to awaken fear.

In those days while they were preparing at Pladsen for the confirmation, they were also preparing for Oyvind's departure for the agricultural school, for this was to take place the following day. Tailor and shoemaker were sitting in the family-room; the mother was baking in the kitchen, the father working at a chest.

Oyvind was delighted with everything he saw: first because the house was painted, then because the mill was enlarged, then because the leaden windows had been taken out in the family-room and in the bed-chamber, and white glass had taken the place of green, and the window frames had been made larger.

I might have known of course in a moment should have known that it could not have that meaning. But my interest remains. Re-entering the family-room in a meditative state, Miss Bella was received by the irrepressible Lavinia with: 'There, Bella! At last I hope you have got your wishes realized by your Boffins. You'll be rich enough now with your Boffins.

My mother had introduced a small settee, or some such seat as the French would call a causeuse; a most appropriate article, in such a place. In preparation for the interview I had slipped into Grace's hand a piece of paper, on which was written "meet me in the family-room, precisely at six!" This was sufficient; at the hour named, I proceeded to the room, myself.

"Miss Grace tell me come here, Masser Mile, and say she wish to see you in de family-room. She wait dere, now, some time." "Thank you, Chloe; and do you see that no one interrupts us. I have not seen my sister for near a year." "Sartain, sah; all as you say."

In consequence of this ample provision of stairs, the chambers of the family were totally separated from those of all the rest of the house. I began to reflect seriously, on what I had to say, and how it was to be said, as I walked through the long passage which led to the "family-room," or the "triangle," as my own father had nicknamed the spot.

I can see all its belongings, all its details; the family-room of the house, with the trundle-bed in one corner and the spinning-wheel in another a wheel whose rising and falling wail, heard from a distance, was the mournfulest of all sounds to me and made me homesick and low- spirited and filled my atmosphere with the wandering spirits of the dead; the vast fireplace, piled high with flaming logs from whose ends a sugary sap bubbled out but did not go to waste, for we scraped it off and ate it; . . . the lazy cat spread out on the rough hearthstones, the drowsy dogs braced against the jambs, blinking; my aunt in one chimney-corner, and my uncle in the other, smoking his corn-cob pipe."

Two hours later, much to their surprise, she appeared in the family-room and sank down completely exhausted, having entered the house by a rear door, which she had reached after making a detour of a mile or more to escape the vigilance of the videttes in front.

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