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And since his friend's death Mr Whittlestaff had been liberal with presents, which Mary had taken most unwillingly under her step-mother's guidance. Such had been the state of things when Mr Whittlestaff received the letter. When he had been walking up and down the long walk for an extra hour, Mr Whittlestaff expressed aloud the conclusion to which he had come.

Turning at last from my parents, Lady Ellinor inquired for Roland, and on learning that he was with me in town, expressed a strong desire to see him. I told her I would communicate her wish, and she then said thoughtfully, "He has a son, I think; and I have heard that there is some unhappy dissension between them." "Who could have told you that?"

McElvina, who had often expressed his opinion on the subject to his wife, had been anxious that our hero should be sent on a foreign station, before he had allowed a passion to take so deep a root in his heart that, to eradicate it, would be a task of great effort and greater pain.

When we expressed an interest in their way of living, the ladies took us from the reception room, which was furnished in modern style, into their garden where orange and lemon trees and semi-tropical plants were growing.

Some, on hearing this, especially those who had been most overcome with terror, expressed their joy in all sorts of extravagant ways, and seemed to consider that there was no longer any danger to be apprehended; others, again, would scarcely credit what I told them, and inquired what the captain thought on the subject. "The captain!

But this paper is the soap-box of that chap, and his is the only point-of-view that'll be expressed in it. Do you understand me?" "I do," said John "All the same, I believe in telling the people the truth!" The editor touched the bell on his desk. "Are you quite sure," said he, "that you know what the truth is?" "Of course I'm sure."

Love, gratitude, and pity stirred her heart when she thought of Constance, and while the pity was kept secret the love was freely and frequently expressed, and from week to week she told the story of her life to her sympathetic friend all its little incidents, trials, and successes.

Such were the concluding words of the corregidor of Madrid, which, whether they expressed his private opinion or not, were certainly grounded on sense and reason. I saluted him respectfully and retired, and forthwith performed my promise with regard to the books; and thus terminated this affair.

There was a flicker of a smile in the eyes that a moment before had expressed only apprehension. She shook her head. "I don't know yet," she said. Her smile deepened. "You see, I refused to dine with him here to-night. I excused myself on a plea of weariness. I really did want rest. But well, I didn't want to dine with him, anyway. He's seen me with you." "Do you often dine with him?"

But in spite of the fact that such figures as these were well known to him, it was my host in the first Japanese house to which I was invited one of the Emperor's privy councillors, and a man of much travel and culture who had studied commercial conditions at home and abroad rather profoundly who expressed the conclusion that Japanese factory labor when reduced to terms of efficiency is not greatly cheaper than European, an opinion which has since grown rather trite in view of the number of times that I have heard it.