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It runs thus: "Dearest, I have no time for explainings nor excuses, if I were disposed to make either, and I will confine myself to a few facts. I was married this morning to Donogan the rebel: I know you have added the word, and I write it to show how our sentiments are united.

Meeting him now and, oh, to meet him now! there should be no questionings or explainings, but while he poured forth a love unsullied and unshaken she, scarce harkening, would with battle haste tell him, her life's commander, the one thing of value, outvaluing all mere lovers' love: The fact that behind a chimney-panel of Callender House, in its old trivial disguise, lay yet that long-lost fund pledged to Mobile's defense by themselves as lovers, by poor war-wasted Kincaid's Battery, and by all its scattered sisters; the fund which must, as nearly on the instant as his and her daring could contrive, be recovered and borne thither for the unlocking of larger, fate-compelling resources of deliverance.

"Them that knows other let them declare it," she ejaculated. "I say again, as I did afore the homes that have been broken up by explainings!" She tatted. The Prophet bowed before her decision and left the apartment feeling rather hungry. Fancy Quinglet's crumbs were not always crumbs of comfort. He resolved to apply again to Mr. Malkiel, and this time to make the application in person.

During this last period, when all other activities were practically impossible to him, he fell into a state of letter-writing for the most part long, wearisome complainings and explainings in which he poured out a copious flood of tears and self-pity for the loss of his gold.

I know well the substitutes for the Catechism which are becoming more and more fashionable; the limitations, the explainings away, the non-natural and dishonest interpretations, which are more and more applied to it when it is used; and I warn you, that those substitutes for, and those defacements of, the Catechism, will be no barrier against an outburst of fanaticism, did one arise; nay, that many of them would directly excite it; and prove, when too late, that instead of feeding the masses with the bread of life, which should preserve them, soul and body, some persons had been feeding them with poison, which had maddened them, soul and body.

"Oh, Master Hennessey, the lives that have been wrecked, the homes that have been broke up by explainings!" Her eye seemed suddenly lit from within by some fever of sad, worldly knowledge. "Well, but " the Prophet began. "I know it, Master Hennessey, and I can't know other." She sighed, and her gaze became fixed like that of a typhoid patient in a dream.

"May be I am; may be I ain't," was the cautious reply. "Wouldn't Father Roach explain any of your difficulties for you, if you went over to him?" "Faix, it's little I'd mind his explainings." "And why not?" "Easy enough. If you ax ould Miles there, without, what does he be doing with all the powther and shot, wouldn't he tell you he's shooting the rooks, and the magpies, and some other varmint?

And truly, you that have had dear maids, shall follow mine explainings; but unto others, I know not whether they shall understand, until they too have been possessed of One that shall set all their heart adrift, even as this One that did be Mine Own. And sudden, I to know that Naani did change from her low singing unto an olden air that had surely not been heard in all that eternity.

"Well, I don't wish to imply " "But I do, grannie, I do. Can Fancy leave us for a moment?" "Certainly. Fancy, you can go to your tatting." "Yes, ma'am." "Mr Hennessey has something to explain to me." "Oh, ma'am, the houses that have been broke up by explainings!" And with this, as the Prophet thought, appallingly appropriate exclamation, Mrs. Fancy hurried feverishly from the room.

But, truly the colour was proper to a creature that did abide in so great a darkness, as you shall say, yet had those Slugs that we did see, been black and shining, for the most, as I have told; and this to be as I saw, and I not to heed here that I try unto explainings in this place; else should I be never eased of my task, as you do see.