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"Died on the table," said Burns, with entire coolness. His face had sobered at the question, but his expression was by no means crestfallen. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Charlotte began, earnestly. But her husband interrupted her. "No condolences are due, dear. He gave a dying man the most merciful sort of euthanasia, and at the same time demonstrated a new method as daring as it was triumphant.

It was under all the circumstances an euthanasia; he expired leaning as it were on his white wand and babbling of strawberry leaves. "My dear Charles," said Lady Marney to Egremont the morning after the Derby, as breakfasting with her in her boudoir he detailed some of the circumstances of the race, "we must forget your naughty horse.

Courtiers rushed to the King and the great Minister by whose wisdom the campaign had been decreed. When he showed himself, the people followed him with shouts and blessings. People did not deplore the dead warrior, but admired his euthanasia. Should James Wolfe's friends weep and wear mourning, because a chariot had come from the skies to fetch him away?

He was sitting down, but now he rose and came close to her and put his hand on her head as he said solemnly. "My child, there is such an one if it were for your good. For myself I could hold it in my account with God to find such an euthanasia for you, even at this moment if it were best. Nay, were it safe! But my child . . ." For a moment he seemed choked, and a great sob rose in his throat.

He, too, had wondered once or twice in his life how human beings could believe such rubbish; but psychology had helped him, and he knew now well enough that suggestion will do almost anything. And it was this hateful thing that had so long restrained the euthanasia movement with all its splendid mercy.

The recent proposition of some English writers to elevate a certain class of suicides to the rank of a legalized "institution," under the pleasant name of "euthanasia," suggests the inquiry whether, without any scientific vindication of the practice, there will not always be suicides enough in ordinary society.

Had they been unable to suit themselves to new conditions of life, they would have suffered an euthanasia instead of a partial extirpation; and had they suited themselves they would either have been absorbed or become a useful part of the population.

Subjectivity of the passion. Machinery regulating choice. The choice unstable. Instinctive essence of love. Its ideality. Its universal scope. Its euthanasia. The family arises spontaneously. It harmonises natural interests. Capacity to be educated goes with immaturity at birth. The naturally dull achieve intelligence. It is more blessed to save than to create.

It is the law of life, which God has given to the earth. To coddle them, to delude them with false hopes of an unnatural equality which not all the power of the Government has been able to maintain, is only to increase their unhappiness. To a doomed race, ignorance is euthanasia, and knowledge is but pain and sorrow.

Compared with any of these miserable deaths, the fate of a salmon who is hooked in a clear stream and after a glorious fight receives the happy despatch at the moment when he touches the shore, is a sort of euthanasia. And, since the fish was made to be man's food, the angler who brings him to the table of destiny in the cleanest, quickest, kindest way is, in fact, his benefactor.