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"Cy vous entrez, qui le saint Evangile En sens agile annoncez, quoy qu'on gronde, Ceans aurez une refuge et bastile, Contre l'hostile erreur qui tant postille Par son faux style empoisonner le monde."

Darwin has given, and see nothing there but a "derniere erreur du dernier siecle" a personification of Nature leads us indeed to cry with him: "O lucidite! O solidite de l'esprit Francais, que devenez-vous?" M. Flourens has, in fact, utterly failed to comprehend the first principles of the doctrine which he assails so rudely.

Peignot discusses, by the way, with his usual scientific precision, as a department in Bibliography, "Titres de livres qui ont induit en erreur des Bibliothecaires et des Libraires peu instruits."

Darwin has given, and see nothing there but a "derniere erreur du dernier siecle " a personification of Nature leads us indeed to cry with him: "O lucidite! O solidite de l'esprit Francais, que devenez-vous?" M. Flourens has, in fact, utterly failed to comprehend the first principles of the doctrine which he assails so rudely.

Careless and indifferent as I seem to all things, nothing ever escapes me: the minutest erreur in a dish or a domestic, the most trifling peculiarity in a criticism or a coat, my glance detects in an instant, and transmits for ever to my recollection. "You have seen Jouy's 'Hermite de la Chaussee D'Antin?" said our host to Lord Vincent. "I have, and think meanly of it.

She flushed with shame when she remembered about the meals he had had to order for her, and she sat up in her great bed until late, studying by candlelight such phrases as: "Il y a une erreur dans la note," and "Garçon, quels fruits avez-vous?" She tried to write to Harvey that night, but she gave it up at last. There was too much he would not understand.

Careless and indifferent as I seem to all things, nothing ever escapes me: the minutest erreur in a dish or a domestic, the most trifling peculiarity in a criticism or a coat, my glance detects in an instant, and transmits for ever to my recollection. "You have seen Jouy's 'Hermite de la Chaussee D'Antin?" said our host to Lord Vincent. "I have, and think meanly of it.

Ou l'election naturelle n'est rien, ou c'est la nature: mais la nature douee d'election, mais la nature personnifiee: derniere erreur du dernier siecle: Le XIXe ne fait plus de personnifications." M. Flourens cannot imagine an unconscious selection it is for him a contradiction in terms. Did M. Flourens ever visit one of the prettiest watering-places of "la belle France," the Baie d'Arcachon?

Eighty years after his death, the royal cemetery was violated by the revolutionists, his coffin was opened; his body was dragged out; and it appeared that the prince, whose majestic figure had been so long and loudly extolled, was in truth a little man. "C'est une erreur," says he in his strange memoirs of the Duke of Berri, "de croire que Louis XIV. etait d'une haute stature.

"How much do you expect to get for this?" said a Hungarian banker surveying a bulky packet of Turkish piastres. I mentioned a likely sum. "Grande erreur!" he exclaimed, and lifted his hands in horror. In Budapest they were marketable only for a tenth of what I gave for them.