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His medal, on assuming the purple, has his portrait, Napoleon Empereur, by Andrieu, who executed nearly all the portraits on his medals; on the reverse, he is in his imperial robes, elevated by two figures, one armed, inscribed, Le Senat et le Peuple.

I will now copy out another, written nearly a year later, during which the progress made appears to me very great. "31 Mai, 1843. "Napoleon naquit en Corse et mourut a Ste. Helene. Entre ces deux iles rien qu'un vaste et brulant desert et l'ocean immense. Il naquit fils d'un simple gentilhomme, et mourut empereur, mais sans couronne et dans les fers.

Mais Napoleon Empereur, c'est autre chose, je l'extirperai du sol de l'Europe. Et celui qui parla ainsi toujours sut garder sa promesse, celle-la comme toutes les autres. Je l'ai dit, et je le repete, cet homme est l'egal de Napoleon par le genie; comme trempe de caractere, comme droiture, comme elevation de pensee et de but, il est d'une tout autre espece.

This was only five too much, and five was represented by e, the very letter elided from the article le before the word Empereur. By omitting the e, though incorrectly, Pierre got the answer he sought. L'russe Besuhof made 666. This discovery excited him.

Being arrived at this exalted position, there is no end of the feats which Cartouche performed; and his band reached to such a pitch of glory, that if there had been a hundred thousand, instead of a hundred of them, who knows but that a new and popular dynasty might not have been founded, and "Louis Dominic, premier Empereur des Francais," might have performed innumerable glorious actions, and fixed himself in the hearts of his people, just as other monarchs have done, a hundred years after Cartouche's death.

But unfortunately, Sa Majesté, Empereur et Roi, has taught me some smart lessons since I gave up mathematics; and I have acquired a smattering of his own policy, which is to look after the substance, and leave the shadow or the drapeau, if you like it better to whoever pleases."

Apropos of the Duke de Morny, he said of himself: "I am a very complicated person. Je suis le fils d'une reine, frere d'un Empereur et gendre d'un Empereur, et tous sont illegitimes." It does sound queer! There you have a complicated case. He is very good-looking without being handsome, and belongs to one of the most distinguished families in Germany.

Chorley saw the entrance of the Empereur into the Tuileries. He looked radiant. The more I read that elegy on the death of Daniel Webster, the more I find to admire. It is as grand as a dirge upon an organ. Love to the dear W s and to Dr. Holmes. Ever, dearest Mr. Fields, most gratefully yours, M.R.M. Swallowfield, January 5, 1853.

Arlequin Empereur dans la Lune had been published in its entirety eleven years previously , but it was sufficiently popular for Gherardi to include various scenes therefrom in his collection.

The heralds-at-arms went at an early hour through all the public places, throwing to the crowd, which pressed around them, medals struck in memory of the coronation. These medals represented on one side the likeness of the Emperor, his brow encircled with the crown of the Caesars, with this motto: Napoleon, Empereur.