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"We only make the run once," she would cry, "let us take it effervescing." Vaura is peerlessly beautiful and brilliant as her diamonds, her large hazel eyes bright as stars, her lips a rose, throat, neck and arms gleam in their whiteness as does the satin of her gown. Ah! Lionel, much as we love you, we are happy in the thought that Vaura is your rest.

She was so effervescing with good humor that her companion had no opportunity for a moment's dullness or homesickness. "There's the ten-minute bell," she exclaimed, as they returned to the study. "That is our last warning, and gives no one an excuse to be late. You will find Exeter rigid in many ways, Miss Hobart. Miss Morgan is what I call a crank on development of character.

He might have been mistaken for an ambitious actor of the younger school; even for a forceful young cleric, save for the fact that he smoked his cigarette with evident satisfaction. He followed an aimless course but a course fairly prickling with new sensations until he stood before one of the popular cafés, now effervescing with sprightly life. He paused here a moment to listen to the music.

He had got a pork-pie, a little bread and cheese, some large onions to roast, a couple of raw apples, an orange, and papers of soda and tartaric acid to compound effervescing draughts. When these dainties were finished, he proceeded to warm some beer in a pan, with ginger, spice, and sugar, and then lay back in his chair and sipped it slowly, gazing before him, and thinking over his misfortunes.

He had merely chosen to occupy a position in regard to his country that differed radically from hers, and she had done little more than define her position. "She is a Northern, as mamma is a Southern fanatic, with the difference that she is a young, effervescing creature, bubbling over with the excitement of the times," he thought.

He sprang up with a broadside of expletives that in the sunlight would have cast a wondrous rainbow. It was a way with the little professor, and we had learned to keep respectfully distant during such periods of effervescing energy. "Tied to our rudder post," I told him. He seemed to grasp the entire situation at once. I have never known such a genius for corraling facts!

"Captain Reud, you are too good. Mr Staples," turning helplessly to his assistant, "get me immediately an effervescing draught. Excuse my sitting I am very faint you are so kind you quite overcome me." "No, not yet," said the captain in a dry tone, but full of meaning. "I may perhaps by-and-by, when you know more of me; but now O no! However, I'll do my best to make you grateful.

Morning and afternoon she thus moved about, dancing and chattering; and when she grew tired, a footstool or parasol discovered in a corner, or some shred of stuff lying on the floor, would suffice to launch her into a new game in which her effervescing imagination found fresh outlet.

Such intention lay dormant in the background of his mind, but he had not seen many Irish Nationalists before he was effervescing with rhetoric suitable for the need of the election, and he was sometimes puzzled to determine whether he was false or true. Driving through Dublin from the steamer, he met Frank Escott. They shouted simultaneously to their carmen to stop. "Home to London.

All through our Lord's life He was engaged rather in repressing volunteers than in soliciting recruits, and He from time to time poured a douche of cold water upon swiftly effervescing desires to go after Him.