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From the time that Virgil's gratitude expressed itself in the first Eclogue "Namque erit ille mihi semper deus: illius aram Saepe tener nostris ab ovilibus imbuet agnus," the emperor was marked out for this new form of adulation, and succeeding poets only added to what Virgil had begun.

Bill had not bad a classical education, and knew nothing of Galatea in the Eclogue, how she did not hide, until she saw her swain was looking fondly after. "She wants to get away," he thought "But she sha'n't, no, not if I have to follow her to Albany." He struck out mightily. Presently the swift Camilla let herself be overtaken. "Good morning, Miss Purtett." "Good morning, Mr. Tarbox."

One of these productions is still extant, in which he recommends Christianity in a characteristic strain, and in proof of its divine origin cites especially the fulfilment of prophecy, including the sibylline books and the Fourth Eclogue of Virgil, with the contrast between his own happy and brilliant reign and the tragical fate of his persecuting predecessors and colleagues.

Then a deep bass voice called out, "Ha! there is Christian flesh here! Ha! there is Christian flesh!" Cur, mi Deus? The spell by knotting the girdle is noticed by Virgil, 8th eclogue: "Necte tribus nodis ternos Amarylli colores; Necte Amarylli modo, et Veneris die vincula necto."

It is said, however, that he not only oppressed the province by extortion, but entered into a conspiracy against his benefactor, for which he was banished. Unable to sustain such a reverse of fortune, he fell into despair, and laid violent hands on himself. This is the Gallus in honour of whom Virgil composed his tenth eclogue.

He gave it immediate recognition in his Eclogues, and Tibullus, Propertius, and Ovid became his followers. The poems of Gallus, if the Arcadian setting is real, were probably written soon after Philippi. Vergil's Eclogue of recognition may have been composed not much later, for we have a right to assume that Vergil would have had one of the first copies of Gallus' poems.

"You have sung of that in the Fourth Eclogue, I remember.... Have you fever?" "I believe I have. Do you remember no! our fathers remember when the Capitol was burnt, and the Sibylline books destroyed. But now new books have come from Alexandria, and in them they have read that a new era will begin; that Rome will be destroyed but built up again, and that a Golden Age...."

The pastourelle has sometimes been described as a popular form, but it would be difficult to determine wherein its 'popularity, in the sense intended, consists, for it is easily recognized as the offspring of a knightly minstrelsy, and indeed is scarcely less artificial or conventional than the Italian eclogue.

These are imitated from Calpurnius much as he imitates Virgil, except that the decline in metrical treatment is greater. The first eclogue of Calpurnius is devoted to the praises of a young emperor who is to regenerate the world, and exercise a wisdom, a clemency, and a patronage of the arts long unknown.

There are only 434 lines in the "Orfeo" and therefore the feat of writing it in two days was no great one for a man of Poliziano's ability. Sismondi regards this work as an eclogue rather than a drama. He says: "The universal homage paid to Virgil had a decided influence on the rising drama.