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"Ay," said he, "a sore dunt. What, man? Cheer up! The world's no' done; you've made a bad start of it, but you'll make a better. Have you had any meat?" I said I could not look at it: and thereupon he gave me some brandy and water in a tin pannikin, and left me once more to myself.

Never shall I forget the dunt that the first tap of the drum gied to my heart, as I was sitting on Hansel Monday by myself at the parlour fireside, Mrs Balwhidder being throng with the lassies looking out a washing, and my daughter at Ayr, spending a few days with her old comrades of the boarding school.

The old lady herself was the most cheerful of the group, although Rachael and one or two of the others managed an appearance at least of calm. "Declare," said the hostess, more than once, "dunt see what we's all thinkin' of not to git over to Clark's Hills 'fore the bar was under water! They've got sixty-foot elevation there!"

"Yes?" responded the landlady; "well?" leaning against a bedpost and smiling with infantile diffidence, "you dunt want no ref'ence?" "No," said John, generously, "oh, no; we can trust each other that far, eh?" "Oh, yes?" replied the sweet creature; then suddenly changing countenance, as though she remembered something. "But daz de troub' de room not goin' be vacate for t'ree mont'."

It was pretty to see Diavolo's fair head touching Angelica's dark one across the little table; but when it came too close Angelica would dunt it sharply out of the way with her own, which was apparently the harder of the two, and Diavolo would put up his hand and rub the spot absently. He was too thoroughly accustomed to such sisterly attentions to be altogether conscious of them.

She büt to have come in ram-stam an' stern forrit; for the bows of her are aften under, and the back-side of her is clear at hie-water o' neaps. But, man! the dunt that she cam doon wi' when she struck! Lord save us a'l but it's an unco life to be a sailor a cauld, wanchancy life.

But there was naethin' to be heard, neither inside the manse nor in a' Ba'weary parish, an' naethin' to be seen but the muckle shadows turnin' round the can'le. An' then a' at aince, the minister's heart played dunt an' stood stock-still; an' a cauld wund blew amang the hairs o' his heid. Whaten a weary sicht was that for the puir man's een!

"Eh, man, but that was a dunt!" exclaimed Sandy, tightening his hold on the gunwale, while several of his less cautious or less powerful neighbours were sent sprawling into the bottom of the boat among terrified women and children. All was now bustle and tenfold excitement, for the soldiers on the beach hurried waist-deep into the sea for the purpose of carrying the future settlers on shore.

The majority of the men adopted, without reflection, the idea thrown out by the wily Assistant, but there were others who were unable to satisfy themselves as easily. When the King of Tars saw that sight, Wood he was for wrath aplight: In hand he hent a spear, And to the Soudan he rode full right; With a dunt of much might, Adown he gan him bear.

A moment or was it an eternity? of horrible silence. Then the body struck the rough stones at the foot of the tower with a thick, soft dunt, and lay crumpled up among them, without a groan, without a movement. When the other men, who had hurried up the ladders in terror, found Leclere, he was peering over the edge of the scaffold, wiping the blood from his eyes, trying to see down.