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Meadows. Doris congratulated herself that she had kept her own counsel on the subject of the Dunstables, both with Uncle Charles and Miss Wigram. Neither of them had guessed that she had any personal acquaintance with them. She tried now to put the matter out of her thoughts.

Of course, the further induction to be shown was this: that people so circumstanced should marry among themselves; the Dunstables and the Moffats each with the other, and not tumble into the pitfalls prepared for them. Whether these great lessons had any lasting effect on Miss Dunstable's mind may be doubted.

He too had noticed that Lord Dunstable had seemed for some days to be out of spirits. "Why do people have sons!" said Miss Field, briskly. Meadows understood the reference. It was common knowledge among the Dunstables' friends that their son was anything but a comfort to them. "Anything particularly wrong?" he asked her in a lowered voice, as they neared the house.

But she wouldn't confess it, and it was presently understood between them that Meadows would duly accept the Dunstables' invitation for August, and that Doris would stay behind. After which, Doris looked steadily out of the window for the rest of the journey, and could not at all conceal from herself that she had never felt more miserable in her life.

The aristocracy, according to Mr Moffat, were people of a very nice sort; the best acquaintance in the world; a portion of mankind to be noticed by whom should be one of the first objects in the life of the Dunstables and the Moffats. But the Dunstables and Moffats should be very careful to give little or nothing in return. Much, very much in return, would be looked for.

Father was there twenty years! To think of the dear place given over some day to that creature!" Her charming eyes actually filled with tears. Doris was touched, but at the same time set on edge. This loyalty that people born and bred in the country feel to our English country system what an absurd and unreal frame of mind! And when our country system produces Lady Dunstables!

If Lord Dunstable had not been scandalously weak, Lady Dunstable would not have become a terror to her sex. As for Uncle Charles, he had simply declined all responsibility in the matter. He had never seen the Dunstables, wouldn't know them from Adam, and had no concern whatever in what happened to their son. The situation merely excited in him one man's natural amusement at the folly of another.

The fare would be only about five shillings Jane would get her food for two days at the Dunstables' expense and I should have a friend. I'll do it." So, with her eyes dancing, Doris tore up her note, and began again: Dear Lady Dunstable, We have much pleasure in accepting your kind invitation, and I will let you know our train later. As you kindly permit me, I will bring a maid.

The aristocracy, said Mr Moffat, were not a people to allow the light of their countenance to shine forth without looking for a quid pro quo, for some compensating value. In all their intercourse with the Dunstables and Moffats, they would expect a payment. It was for the Dunstables and Moffats to see that, at any rate, they did not pay more for the article they got than its market value.

Why should this extraordinary little lady have behaved at the studio as if she had never heard of the Dunstables, and be now confessing that her husband was actually staying in their house? Doris smiled with perfect self-possession. "Please sit down. You think it odd, of course, that I didn't tell you I knew the Dunstables, while we were talking about them.