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As soon as permitted she hastened home, and was glad to lie down all the evening from sheer fatigue, but she made light of her weariness, concealed the treatment she had received from the girls, and the dejection it was beginning to occasion in spite of her courage; she even made the little home group laugh by her droll accounts of the day.

Fairford, a small incisive woman, with a big nose and good teeth revealed by frequent smiles. In her dowdy black and antiquated ornaments she was not what Undine would have called "stylish"; but she had a droll kind way which reminded the girl of her father's manner when he was not tired or worried about money.

What was his antipathy to Mademoiselle de Montbazon? . . . That would be droll, upon honor! I never thought of that before;" and he indulged in noiseless laughter. The roisterers could be heard discussing wagers, some of which concerned horses, scandals, and women.

She marred the effect of her lecture by kissing Elsie as she spoke; but it was hard to resist the temptation, Elsie was so droll and coaxing, and so very pretty. They expected to find Dorry still something of an invalid, and made preparations accordingly; but there was no sign of debility in his jump from the carriage or his run up the steps to greet them.

She was very droll about them when I went back, for I told her what they wanted. "Well, if SHE can sit I'll tyke to bookkeeping," said my model. "She's very lady-like," I replied, as an innocent form of aggravation. "So much the worse for YOU. That means she can't turn round." "She'll do for the fashionable novels." "Oh yes, she'll DO for them!" my model humorously declared.

Then she danced all around the room, whirling her little skirts about her to show Granny how the wind had made the snow dance that day. She looked so droll and funny that Granny forgot her cares and worries and laughed with little Gretchen over her new snow-dance. The days passed on, and the morning before Christmas Eve came.

Next on all-fours, roaring lions; Fanny and Harriet's roaring devouring lions much clapped. Next Bertha riding on Mr. Smith's back. Pillion. Coxcomb. Mr. Smith, Mr. Ricardo, Fanny, Harriet, and Maria crowing. Ditto, ditto, combing hair. Mr. Ricardo, solus strutting, a coxcomb, very droll. Sinecure. Not a good one. Monkey. Very good. Mr. Ricardo and Mr.

We neither of us knew when we struck into the road leading hither." "Do you agree to that statement, without any qualification, master Bart?" asked the recluse, with a doubting and slightly puzzled air. "Well, some of it, I reckon," answered Bart, with a look of droll gravity. "Why, you told me, sir," responded Woodburn, rather sharply "that you had never travelled this road before."

He seems not to mind misstating the position of any one he supposes himself to disagree with, and then attacking him for what he never said, or even implied; he thinks this is droll, and appears not to suspect that it is immoral.

See how droll " her brown wrinkled hand rested on a beautifully carved corner post, "These are little monkeys climbing for fruit when she was a baby Mademoiselle Octavia used to put her hands on them so " Felice smiled. "I know. She used to tell me," she confided. "She told me that Poquelin, the father of Moliere, made it."