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Updated: August 4, 2024

The food products are stored in various parts of the plant for future use, or are expended immediately in the growth and movements of the plant. In order that they shall be used for growth, free oxygen is required, and this is supplied by the respiration of the plant. Some plants steal their food ready-made. Such a one is the Dodder, which sends its roots directly into the plant on which it feeds.

The eupatoriums, with their purple crowns, stood like young trees, with an undergrowth of aster and blue spikes of lobelia, tangled in a golden mesh of dodder. A strong, mature odor, mixed alike of leaves and flowers, and very different from the faint, elusive sweetness of spring, filled the air.

For as they went pacing down a lonely road towards the Dodder the policeman diversified his entertaining lore by a succession of compliments which ravaged the heavens and the earth and the deep sea for a fitting symbology.

"I could have ridden over to Barnstaple with your letter quicker than Samson did, and I shouldn't have tired Dodder so much." "Yes, I thought of that, Fred, but you are only a boy, and you were at play." There was a silence for a few moments, and then Fred spoke. "Is it wrong for a boy to play, father?" "Heaven forbid. No; of course not.

The same is said to happen to Scabiosa, or Devil's bit, and some other plants, as valerian and greater plantain; the new fibrous roots rising round the caudex above the old ones, the inferior end of the root becomes stumped, as if cut off, after the old fibres are decayed, and the caudex is drawn down into the earth by these new roots. Dodder. Four males, two females.

How often and sadly we repeat the life story of the yellow dodder of the moist lanes of my lower farm. It springs up fresh and clean from the earth itself, and spreads its clinging viny stems over the hospitable wild balsam and golden rod. In a week's time, having reached the warm sunshine of the upper air, it forgets its humble beginnings.

We are beginning to see that perfection and individuality are not incompatible, one is divine, and the other human. And isn't it by his very individuality that we are able to recognize Jesus to-day?" "You have evidently thought and read a great deal," Dodder said, genuinely surprised. "Why didn't you come to me earlier?" Eleanor bit her lip. He smiled a little.

However this may be, the naturalist's attention is attracted every time he finds a plant deprived of chlorophyl, and one in which the leaves seem to be wanting, as in the dodder that occupies us.

Ask Dodder." "No need to ask him, poor old fellow," said Fred, patting his favourite's neck. "Fred!" came from the road. "Yes, father," cried the boy, and he ran back. "I thought you were by me, my boy," said the colonel, gravely, as he laid one hand upon his son's shoulder, and held the despatch in the other, gazing thoughtfully before him toward the old house they were approaching.

"That's what I should do to a child," she added, "and nobody could act more childish than you have this afternoon." "Second childhood, Serena. Second childhood and dodderin' old age are creepin' over me fast. There!" as the lamp blazed and the parlor was illuminated, "now you can see for yourself. Do I dodder much?" Even Gertrude was obliged to laugh. "Daddy!" she cried; "you silly thing!

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